It is usually necessary to determine the age of the dog if it came to you from a shelter for homeless animals or you find it on the street. In any case, when there are no documents for the dog, you need to know its age in order to choose the right feeding ration or dosage of medications.

Step 1
One of the most reliable ways is to determine the age of a dog by the teeth. There are special tables in which, according to the change of the puppy's teeth or the degree of deterioration of certain pairs of teeth of an adult animal, its age is determined. This applies to all hunting dogs, including spaniels. It should be borne in mind that the degree of abrasion depends on the bite, if it is incorrect, then such a diagnosis will be very approximate.

Step 2
The change of teeth in dogs ends by the age of seven months, so if you have a dog with a full set of new permanent teeth, then his age is about a year and a half. If there is already yellow plaque on the inside of the teeth, then the spaniel is approaching two years old. In the event that tartar has already formed on the teeth, then, most likely, the dog is from 3 to 5 years old. When a dog is missing several teeth, it is a sign that the aging process has already begun and you should take special care of its teeth.

Step 3
Another indirect indicator of age is muscle mass. In young dogs, it is significantly larger than the mass of the skeleton. What determines their mobility and playfulness. Spaniels become leaner and less active as they get older.

Step 4
Dogs' coat structure also changes with age. In puppies and juveniles, it is soft, silky and pleasant to the touch. Adult dogs are characterized by a coarser, sometimes greasy coat, towards old age, at 6-7 years old, gray hair and spots of bald patches appear around the muzzle. Then the whole muzzle turns gray.

Step 5
In a young dog, the eyes are slightly protruding, lively and clear, without tearing. By the age of 9-12, they sink slightly, it seems that they are deeply planted. By old age, the pupil dilates, the lens itself becomes cloudy.

Step 6
Even an old dog, with proper care, can survive for several more years, remaining active and healthy. Choose an appropriate diet for her that includes high quality foods. At this age, dogs eat much less, so you will save on quantity.