Constipation is the most common condition in pets, especially in sedentary and elderly dogs. Colon emptying is delayed for a number of reasons. Finding them out can help your pet.

Constipation in an animal can occur as a result of impaired bowel movements when woolballs enter the intestines. This occurs when dogs lick their coat during periods of active shedding. Also, disturbances in the work of the intestines occur with helminthic invasion, when the number of parasites is so great that they close the lumen. Sometimes your dog is short on wet food or overfeeding, which can also cause constipation. The causes of the disease can also be trauma to the abdominal cavity, kidney and liver diseases, orthopedic problems, stagnation of the secretion of the paraanal glands and prostate disease (in males).

With symptomatic therapy (in the absence of contraindications), the dog can be given an enema. However, you need to consult a veterinarian. He will help you calculate the right amount of water for this procedure, suitable for your dog's weight category. If the effect does not follow, use laxatives: saline (magnesium and sodium sulfates), synthetic (bisacodyl, purgen), oily (olive and sunflower oils).

Also, agents are used that can soften feces: lactulose preparations and liquid paraffin. Give it to the animal at the first sign of constipation (per kilogram of weight - 1.5 ml of oil). If constipation is caused by stagnant stool, inject the oil into the rectum. No-shpa and perirenal novocaine blockade will help relieve spasms of smooth muscles.

If there is no appetite for several days and the appearance of vomiting, the dog is prescribed infusion therapy (droppers). This will help combat dehydration. In rare cases, if the situation is difficult, they resort to surgical removal of the contents of the large intestine.

Particular attention should be paid to the nutrition of the dog. Do not feed bones, supplement food with dairy products. Walk your dog more often, allowing it to move more.