Buying a purebred dog from breeders, you get it already with a name, which often contains at least thirty letters. But while the puppy is still small, there is a chance to accustom him to a name you like better. To find a name that is simple and easy to pronounce, follow a few rules.

Step 1
You should not call the dog by a human name, so that embarrassment does not happen on the walk. Do not give the nickname of a recently deceased pet, so that it does not affect the fate of the new one. Names such as: Azor, Archie, Buck, Boxing, Broit, Boy, Vorp, Wood, Garzi, Jacques are suitable for active and energetic dogs, which are pugs.
Step 2
In the female version, consider the following nicknames: Ava, Bona, Basia, Girsa, Dessi, Dina, Dolly, Zolma, Zura, Iskra. Pay attention to the nature of your pet, playful, imposing or mischievous, his features will tell you something. Remember that the pug is not a strong and vicious guard dog, but rather a decorative pet dog. From which it follows that the nickname should be chosen calm, good-natured. But at the same time, it is sonorous and beautiful in pronunciation, since you will have to live with this name for many years and shout it out on the street more than once.
Step 3
If you want your pet's name to be associated with his "funny" face, for example, try to pick up one of these names: Toastun, Zateika, Gironde, Krosh, Kubik, Capa, Walrus, Bear, Fly, Punch. Most likely, the dog will quickly get used to a short name, but if you set out to give a long complex name, then come up with an abbreviated version for convenience (Mitchell-Meach).
Step 4
To help your pet get used to his nickname faster, repeat it more often. During feedings, call out to him, then his name will be compared with a delicious meal. Be generous with praise. If the dog learns its name in a short time, give it something as a reward. Whichever name you choose, remember that it will tell others more about you than about your dog.