How To Spot Budgies

How To Spot Budgies
How To Spot Budgies

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The main plumage of budgerigars is grassy green, the front of the head and neck are yellow. On the back of the head, back of the head, upper back and on the sacrum, the color of the parrots is light green, with dark waviness. When choosing a budgie in a store, it is important to be able to tell the difference between a male and a female. And also too small chicks from mature adults.

How to spot budgies
How to spot budgies


Step 1

Young birds are similar in appearance to female budgies, but the plumage is less bright in color. The color of the chin and beak of the budgerigars is pink. Also, immature chicks have a black beak, while adult birds have a straw-yellow beak with a greenish tint. At the age of three months, budgerigar wax takes on a color in accordance with the sex of the bird. Budgerigar chicks take their final exterior at the age of 9-12 months. At the same time, the plumage becomes brighter, the feathers acquire a glossy sheen. The length of an adult bird is usually 17-19 cm or slightly more.

how to recognize the sex of a budgerigar
how to recognize the sex of a budgerigar

Step 2

To determine the sex of the budgerigar, look at the growth above the beak - wax. In adult male birds, it has a bright blue color, females have colorless or brown wax. During the breeding season, the beak above the beak of females becomes dark brown.

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how to find out the gender of a little parrot

Step 3

Sometimes the sex of budgerigars is also distinguished by the color of the chin. In adult males, the chin has the same color as the wax - a rich blue.

to distinguish a parrot boy from a girl Corella
to distinguish a parrot boy from a girl Corella

Step 4

Also, a distinctive feature of male budgerigars is that their feathers on the front upper part of the head ("forehead") tend to fluoresce under the influence of ultraviolet rays. A person can distinguish this glow only in the dark, and the eyes of parrots can see it even in bright light. In nature, this factor is important when females choose a mate for breeding.
