Indo-ducks are also called musky ducks or mute ducks. This is a fairly calm poultry that is easy to breed and easy to keep. Her meat is dietary, of good taste and contains little fat. How to breed an Indo-dog?

Step 1
Usually Indo-girls are kept by families. For muscovy ducks, buy one male and two or three females. Although the males are much larger and weigh up to 7 kg, the females are very fertile, they lay 100-120 eggs a year. Females can also be mated with other breeds of ducks, which are larger, then the offspring will be raised for meat, only they will not have fertility.
Step 2
Muscovy ducks are not picky about food, grow much faster than other domestic animals and consume significantly less feed than Peking ducks.
Step 3
Calculate the indoor space for Indo-girls at the rate of one square meter per three individuals. Remember this is a thermophilic bird, so keep the house warm. The temperature for young ducklings should be at least 20 degrees. In severe frosts, be sure to spread straw or sawdust in places where ducks walk. Make sure that excess moisture does not collect in the room. In high humidity, the duck can contract aspergillosis. Therefore, sprinkle with bleach (1 kg per square meter) before bedding. Lay a litter that is at least 5 centimeters thick and change it periodically.
Step 4
When feeding poultry, use kitchen waste, beet tops, chopped grass, grain. Pre-soak the barley and serve with water. Muscovy ducks love corn. Give them a mixture of grain waste with water and chopped greens. It is very useful to add vitamin and mineral supplements to the feed. To do this, use the premix "Ivan Ivanovich" or "Ryabushka". Now they produce special compound feed for ducks with a full set of useful mineral additives.
Step 5
Make sure that the ducks do not get wet during the winter. They have poorly developed sebaceous glands, therefore, if the feathers get wet and icy, the bird may die.
Step 6
If the ducks began to tear the feathers out of themselves, it means they have a downy eater, sprinkle them with sulfur, which is mixed with ash or sand. Use this remedy for prophylaxis as well.
Step 7
Poor nutrition can lead to inflammation of the cloaca, when ulcers and cracks appear on the mucous membrane. Treat them with special disinfecting ointments and add carrots to the diet, and in the summer, give more fresh herbs.
Step 8
If your bird is ruffled, sits in the same place with a swollen goiter, a grayish liquid is released from the nostrils, it often opens its beak, it means that it has goiter catarrh. Give her a goiter massage, first give one water for a day, and then add liquid fermented milk products. And be sure to change your diet.