Indo-ducks (muscovy ducks) are a large bird, drakes weigh 5-6 kg, ducks - 3 kg, dietary meat, without fat. Slaughter weight is reached at the age of two months. Cultivation of Indo-Ducks in the courtyard is cost-effective.

How to make mash
Indo-women are unpretentious in food. In nature, they feed on plant foods, insects. At home, in the summer they can also be kept on pasture - grass, they perfectly assimilate foods high in fiber. They gladly eat worms and other insects, which abound in moist soil near water bodies. Duckweed grows in reservoirs - nutritious food, ducks eat it in large quantities.
Muscovy ducks gain weight quickly from crushed grain feed and boiled potatoes. You can cook mash from grains and grated vegetables: cucumbers, zucchini, beets, carrots. Chopped corn is fed to the bird. Barley and peas are soaked in advance. Swollen pulses should be scrolled in a meat grinder and added to the main feed, which contains lecithin useful for ducks. Indo-girls do not refuse beet tops, cabbage leaves, nettles.
The presence of a reservoir is a desirable but optional condition. Indo-ducks do well without swimming, they just need to put a bucket or a trough of water for drinking. In winter, ducks are given dry grain: wheat, oats, corn. Prepare mash of boiled vegetables, steamed chopped hay. One adult eats 300 g of feed and drinks 1 liter of water per day. In the summer, grain food can be reduced by 50%.
Mineral dressing
A vitamin and mineral complex must be present in the diet, it affects the quality of meat, increases egg production, and improves egg hatchability. It is necessary to give the bird chalk, eggshells, shells in the form of crumbs, especially in winter. Fish oil, dairy products are useful for poultry: yogurt, cottage cheese. To improve appetite, the mash is slightly salted, in an amount of 0.7% of the dry food mass. Ducks need pebbles to digest their food well. In winter, when the bird is not on pastures, it should be provided with granite chips.
In the early days, ducklings are given a chopped hard egg, poultry feed, cereal porridge. At the age of one week, they are mixed into the feed: chopped greens; cottage cheese; bread soaked in milk; meat waste, finely chopped; bran. They are fed in small portions, but often, 4-5 times a day. Months are fed 3-4 times a day, an adult bird is fed two times a day. The feed should be fresh, not sour.
Indoor content is not a hassle. The bird hibernates well in an unheated barn on a thick bed. She needs a roost made of logs heaped up in a mess. In the summer, to prevent the bird from flying away, you can clip the wings.