Feeding an Indo-Duck is an important step in raising strong and healthy birds. Cage arrangements, proper lighting, and proper walking are also integral parts of growing, but good quality and balanced nutrition will help reduce the risk of disease and accelerate poultry growth, as well as increase the nutritional value of meat.

Step 1
The first day of a duckling's life is the most important stage. The sooner you start the first feeding of the chick, the sooner the remaining yolk in the body will dissolve. After the first feeding, the digestive tract will begin its activity, which further determines the correct absorption of nutrients. On the first day, ducklings need to be fed with a boiled egg, it is imperative to chop it finely. It is impossible to water chicks with plain water. Before serving in water, you need to add a little potassium permanganate so that it acquires a light pink hue.
Step 2
Of course, on the first day of its life, the duckling will not eat and drink on its own, since he still does not understand anything. It is very important to show each duckling that what the hostess gave him needs to be eaten or drunk. Ducklings respond best to moving food. The technique of sprinkling egg crumbs on the backs of the chicks works great. They run, crumbs are crumbled from them, and brothers with great pleasure will collect food that has just fallen from the back of another. They do the same with goslings. But tapping on the food tray is useless, it only works with chickens.
Step 3
You will have to tinker with watering. Here it is necessary not only to knock on a bowl of water so that the water begins to "stir". You will have to take each duckling in your hands and dip it into the water with its beak. As soon as one of the ducklings drinks on their own, the rest will gladly run up to the drinking bowl and, following the example of their fellows, will also start drinking.
Step 4
Until the ducklings are ten days old, they need to be fed at least 6-8 times a day. From 10 to 25-30 days, they will need to be fed 4-5 times a day. And after they turn one month old, feeding can be reduced to 3-4 times a day. The next day, the ducklings can be poured into the crushed egg with oatmeal, corn or barley flour. On the third day, you can add chopped nettle greens to the mixture described above, mixing with fish or bone meal. Further, it will be possible to gradually introduce low-fat broths, crushed meat waste and milk whey into this mishmash.
Step 5
It is very important to know that any wet feed mixture must be crumbly. If the food is sticky, it can clog the nasal passages, and this often leads to inflammatory diseases. Drinking bowls with water should be placed no further than one and a half meters from the feeders. Muscovy ducks (among the common people Indo-duck) constantly wet their beaks during the consumption of food. Any feed should always be fresh with no hint of mold or fermentation. Dairy waste is given to ducklings only after complete fermentation.
Step 6
From the age of twenty, ducklings can be fed mashed boiled potatoes. It should be added to the hash in an amount of about 20% of the mixture. At 40 days of age, you can start teaching your ducklings to whole grains. Of course, first it must be introduced into the mixture that was fed before, and then it can already be given separately in the last feeding (at night).
Step 7
Ducklings should be admitted to open water no earlier than a month old. The thing is that it is from this age that the coccygeal gland begins to function, which secretes fat to lubricate the feathers. Otherwise, their down will get wet on contact with water, and this will lead to hypothermia and death of the chicks.
Step 8
Of course, Indo-girls can do without walking, but if you have the opportunity to release them to a natural reservoir, this will reduce feed costs by as much as 30%. Before releasing the bird into the pond, make sure that the water temperature is at least 10 degrees.