What Are The Types Of Aquarium Filters

What Are The Types Of Aquarium Filters
What Are The Types Of Aquarium Filters

The aquarium is a small body of water inhabited by aquatic inhabitants. Various means and methods are used to maintain biological balance in it. One of these methods is to clean the aquarium water with filters.

What are the types of aquarium filters
What are the types of aquarium filters

To purify the water, specially designed aquarium filters are used, which work with electric pumps. They are used in aquariums inhabited by a wide variety of fish species.

External hanging filter is a plastic box that can be folded from several sections located outside the aquarium. Its principle of operation is very simple: water is taken from the aquarium, which then passes through the filter and returns back. Visually, it is comparable to a waterfall.

An air-lift filter is a small plastic container that comes in the form of a cylinder or a cube. Water enters the filter through the perforated cover, then flows under pressure from top to bottom through the filter material, rises along the airlift and goes back to the aquarium. This filter is ideal for small aquariums to provide additional filtration.

A sponge filter is a primitive, but the most popular type of filter, consisting of a perforated tube with foam cartridges attached to it. The contaminated water enters the filter, is purified through the foam rubber and exits back through the tube.

Depending on the type of filter, the aquarium is maintained. When using mechanical cleaning materials in filters, they must be constantly cleaned. Chemicals require periodic replacement, and biological filters only partly need to be replaced.
