How To Care For Swordfish

How To Care For Swordfish
How To Care For Swordfish

Swordfish aquarium fish belongs to the order of the karptooths, the pecilid family. In nature, such fish can be found in the waters of Guatemala, Central America, Mexico and Honduras. Before you get swordsmen for your aquarium, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for their maintenance and nutrition.

How to care for swordfish
How to care for swordfish

Description of the swordsmen

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when to plant the fry of swordtails

The body length of males reaches 8 centimeters, females - 12 centimeters, it all depends on the conditions of keeping swordsmen. A characteristic feature of swordsmen is a kind of process on the lower part of the caudal fin, which resembles a sword in appearance. Hybrids with a pair of swords and an enlarged dorsal fin are not uncommon. Females are less bright in color. The male's anal fin is transformed into a gonopodium, a reproductive organ. Sword bearers are peaceful about other species of fish, they get along well with them in the same aquarium. There should be more females of swordtails than males. A strong male often pursues a weaker one.

video of pregnant swordfish
video of pregnant swordfish

Keeping swordsmen

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Swordsmen are not demanding on conditions of detention. The most optimal water temperature in the aquarium is 24-26 degrees. The fish easily tolerates a temporary decrease in water temperature to 16 degrees. Hardness can vary over a wide range - 8-25 dH, but acidity is recommended to be maintained within 7-8 pH. Change one third of the aquarium water volume at least once a week, it is advisable to periodically enrich the water with oxygen.

look after the fish in the aquarium
look after the fish in the aquarium

Plant the aquarium with small-leaved plants that form dense thickets (Toothed Elodea, Kabomba or Vallisneria). The fry will be able to hide in them from the adult fish. Launch an openwork green moss - riccia on the surface of the water, which forms picturesque islets. Swordsmen are very active fish, they sometimes frolic so much that they can jump out of the aquarium. To avoid this, cover the aquarium with a lid.

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caring for zooty fish


The vital activity of swordsmen, however, like other fish species, depends on proper and nutritious nutrition. They are absolutely unpretentious in food. The optimal diet should include plant and live food: tubifex, brine shrimp, daphnia, spinach, algae, various types of lettuce, bloodworms, cyclops, mosquito larvae, crushed oatmeal, peas and nettles. Any food can be used, both live and canned, dry or frozen.

If you need to go on vacation or a business trip, there is no need to worry, as aquarium swordtails easily tolerate lack of food for one to two weeks without compromising their health. Fish feed on various algal growths that form on the glass of the aquarium or plant leaves.


Swordsmen belong to the group of viviparous, they give birth to fully formed and large fry. Bearing lasts about forty days, before giving birth, the abdomen of the female increases, acquires a square shape. Place the female in a separate container with lots of small-leaved plants. After giving birth, return it back to the community aquarium. Starter feed for fry: brine shrimp, nematodes, chopped tubule, chicken egg yolk, industrial feed.
