Aquarists who do not have experience in breeding guppies often ask the question, how should a healthy individual behave? If you purchased a fish no more than 2 weeks ago, do not be surprised that it will get scared and hide, you can see that it moves in jerks, then freezes in place.

It also happens that guppies lie on the bottom, while their dorsal fin rises and falls very often. Do not be afraid, these symptoms are not signs of a disease, but acclimatization. This is especially evident in the first few hours after starting in a new home. This may be due to the fact that the fish was previously kept in a different water, in a different environment. If the health of the fish is compromised, these symptoms can last even longer than 2 weeks.
If you notice that the guppy cannot get used to the environment, then the most likely reasons are the following:
- The undermined health of the individual, she could poorly endure the resettlement;
- Different conditions of detention;
- Bad water in your aquarium, new settlers are especially sensitive to this;
- You could purchase a savage fish or an individual with psychological deviations, in which case the adaptation process will take up to 3 months;
- Watch out for roommates, maybe one of them offends the newbie.
If you bought a fish less than 2 weeks ago, and it eats almost nothing, this is also related to the acclimatization process. She may lose her appetite for a while, perhaps she is not used to food. Wait a little, the fish will get used to the new feeding, remember the frequency and place of feeding. If the fish continues to refuse food, but at the same time does not swim far from the filter or air currents from the compressor, then this indicates a problem with water.
The aquarium may be overcrowded or you don't change the water often enough. Newbie aquarists have not yet learned how to maintain the correct biological balance in the fish abode, so it is not surprising that the balance shifts due to the introduction of new inhabitants or a violation of filtration.
Fish behavior
If you notice that the fish lies on the bottom for a long time, is inactive, or spits out food, this could be a sign of illness or a reaction to water quality. It is worth paying attention to the conditions of detention even if most fish swim on the surface and swallow air. This means that there is not enough oxygen in the aquarium, so you have to take care of aeration. The warmer the water, the stronger the aeration should be.
Normal behavior is when fish swim along the glass or go up and down. It also happens that you notice changes in their behavior: the fish bend in a zigzag, the fins are unfolded, they can move in a circle or sideways towards another individual. At the same time, they may even try to grab another fish by the pectoral fin. This can be not only a manifestation of hostility, but also courtship. This is how males act in relation to individuals of the opposite sex. In some periods, fights are not uncommon. It is desirable that you have an equal number of males and females in your aquarium.
If you notice that the beginner is being chased around the entire aquarium, this means that a conflict has occurred. This is especially true for a same-sex environment, this is a war for territory. Track the most aggressive person and remove her from the aquarium.
What happens to the fish?
Have you noticed that the tail of the fish is curled up into a tube, and the fins, on the contrary, are deployed? - This is a sign that she is scared or depressed. Perhaps it is caused by illness or harassment of other inhabitants, you should observe her behavior more closely. Also, such changes in the body of the fish may indicate deformation of the body due to poor conditions of detention.
Sometimes fish can bite stones or glass underwater - this does not pose a danger to its health and is not a sign of aggression. It's just that small algae grow on these surfaces, which serve as food for the guppy, this diversifies its diet, but will not cause harm. It's another matter if your pets are constantly scratching themselves against rocks or the bottom. This is a sign that ammonia has accumulated in their home, and biofiltration cannot cope with this. Sometimes such scratching occurs after feeding, but stops after the concentration of ammonia decreases.
If your pets do not coordinate their movements well, they are pulled up and down - this is evidence of an increased content of nitrates in the environment. This is no longer amenable to treatment, but it is worth throwing all your strength to save the rest of the inhabitants.
If the fish continues to lose weight, its body is deformed and the gill wings protrude, which means that the composition of the water does not suit it. It is best to change the water in the aquarium gradually, rather than massively - 50% at a time. Also, bad water is indicated by irritation and swelling of the gills - this is an alarm about the situation in the aquarium.