Beginner hobbyists make a lot of mistakes. The main one is the desire to buy almost every fish you like. The result is overpopulation of the aquarium or most of its inhabitants cannot live peacefully with each other, fight and even eat the weak. Different species require special conditions of detention - in one aquarium, many get sick and die. Therefore, before purchasing fish, you must consider a few rules.

Step 1
If you have little time to care for your aquarium, choose unpretentious species. It could be goldfish. They live well even without water heating, room temperature is enough, they do not need water of special softness, they are not demanding on feed. The only thing is, provide your goldfish with a spacious aquarium, at least 20 liters per individual, and change 1/4 of the water once a week.
Step 2
Livebearers are also unpretentious. These are small fish, from small multi-colored guppies to majestic swordtails, reaching up to 12 cm and more. Live-bearers are brightly colored, mobile, require a water temperature of 20-28 degrees C. They easily get along with other types of fish. They reproduce quickly, but they eat the newly born fry. If there is a lot of vegetation in the aquarium, then some of the fry survive by hiding.
Step 3
Get some catfish. These aquarium "orderlies" will pick up uneaten food leftovers from other fish. Catfish do not have a bright color, but there are species with a very original body shape. For example, notice the tarakatum, which has a long antennae and a flexible body. Or on catfish-stuck, they have suckers and often hang, attached to the wall of the aquarium. There are also species that eat algae, thereby clearing the walls of the container, stones, decorations and plants from ugly brown-green plaque.
Step 4
Lovers of large aquariums can get large, slow scalars, gourami, goldfish (veil tails, telescopes, fancy lion head, comet), cichlids and others. It is a real delight to watch their majestic movements.
Step 5
You can also opt for aggressive fish. For example, choose a piranha. But then you have to come to terms with some inconveniences in leaving. When cleaning an aquarium or pruning plants, a seemingly calm fish can grab onto your finger with lightning speed if there is the slightest wound on it. In addition, it will no longer be possible to plant other species, piranhas destroy all living things, even their weakened or small relatives.
Step 6
It is not enough just to decide on the choice of aquarium fish. Look carefully at the vending individual. On her body and fins there should be no damage, spots, mucus, rot, white dots. Pay attention to how the fish swims, its movements must be correct, inherent in this species. If the fish itches on the ground, makes sharp senseless movements, falls to one side, then do not take this one.