How To Choose Aquarium Fish

How To Choose Aquarium Fish
How To Choose Aquarium Fish

The aquarium is rightfully considered the most beautiful element of decoration of any room. An untrained person can make a lot of mistakes when buying its inhabitants, so let's figure out how to choose the right aquarium fish.

How to choose aquarium fish
How to choose aquarium fish

The most common absurdity that novice aquarists make is keeping predatory and harmless fish together, as well as keeping fish that are not intended for home. If the fish is not predatory, but large, it can easily swallow smaller fish.

Therefore, the first thing to do for the future fish owner is to study the largest possible number of species of aquarium inhabitants. The easiest option is to choose medium-sized fish, most likely, they will not bring much trouble (the easiest Guppies to care for are beautiful fish with golden scales).

In order to choose aquarium fish, you need to decide on the place of purchase. Now, it is easier to buy them at a pet store, but, as elsewhere, this area has its own leaders and outsiders. The quality of the same product can vary dramatically in different places. Read reviews about the store, talk to experienced aquarists, and only then make your conclusion. Having visited several stores, you yourself will unmistakably identify healthy fish from sick ones, get acquainted with the possible range of accessories for the aquarium, talk to sellers. This will give you the opportunity to have a personal, invaluable experience.

Consider a few signs of a competent store. The first is the cleanliness and order not only of the aquarium, but also of the store itself. If you see that there is a “K” mark on the aquarium it means that the fish in the aquarium are contaminated and are not being sold. Ask the seller why this happened, and whether the disease in quarantined fish can affect the health of the “neighbors”. The fact is that in most stores, fish are caught with one net, although according to the rules, it must be disinfected.

Among other things, each aquarium must contain complete information about its inhabitants, if any, then the store can be considered qualified.
