Do you like birdsong in the morning? And what about year-round tunes right in your own apartment, regardless of the time of year? If you decide to make new feathered friends, you should weigh the pros and cons and learn more about caring for babies.

Waking up to the singing of birds and watching them briskly comb out feathers, peck food and walk around the closet is a great pleasure. But also a great responsibility. After all, the baby needs careful care: special food, fresh water, equipped cage, litter. First, determine which birds you like best. After all, there are a great many varieties of domestic “singers”.
These birds are frequent guests in Russian homes. Tiny pets delight their owners with liveliness and unusual bright plumage. The Amadins sing, but unobtrusively. It is more like communication. The bird is quite unpretentious; subject to simple rules, it can breed in captivity. As a rule, one bird or a couple is settled in medium-sized cages or aviaries, in which the conditions of wildlife can be partially recreated. These handsome men are fed with different seeds. You can make your own mix with millet and canary seed. Train your bird to a variety of seeds from an early age.

Unpretentious budgerigars
Kids are used to living next to a person, so they will immediately behave quite calmly. They won universal love due to the fact that they quickly learn to repeat words, become attached to a person and show him signs of attention. They are not picky about food, but you should not allow the parrot to eat whatever he wants. You need a specially selected mixture from a pet store. The humidity of the room where the crumbs live should be at the level of 60-70%. It is not always possible to achieve this. If so, just bathe them often.

The maintenance of such a parrot is tantamount to the appearance of a newborn in the house. Jaco are talented and intelligent birds, but they require a lot of attention. Very quickly get used to the person. And when they start to trust, they become really true friends. Choose a spacious bird cage: sitting on a perch, birds should be able to flap their wings. Jaco are quite noisy creatures. They can grumble, purr, hum or scream relentlessly. By the age of 2-3, they begin to master the first words. The more you talk to them, the more willingly they will show their skills. Feeding the "babies" is not a problem. They will gladly enjoy cereals, fruits and dried fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts.

The canary is a domesticated subspecies of the finch from the Canary Islands. It was domesticated over 500 years ago. If you want to hear their beautiful singing, choose a male, as female canaries do not sing. These birds can be recommended to novice bird lovers - they are very unpretentious in keeping. The pet cage should be rectangular with enough perches. You can feed the jellies with regular bird food, adding chopped boiled egg, cottage cheese, grated apple and a little crushed chalk as a useful addition.

Is the cat an enemy or a friend?
Can a cat and a parrot get along in the same apartment? It all depends on the nature of the pets. First of all, a cat. The chances will increase if a parrot appeared in the apartment earlier or if they were taken with the cat at the same time. Dogs, by the way, also catch parrots. Set the rules for communication when you first meet a new tenant.

With the advent of restless singers, even more joy and fun will come to the house.