Paid medical services are available today not only for people, but also for pets. In case of illness of pets, it is possible to call a veterinarian at home so as not to expose your pet to additional stress. Moreover, veterinary care can be provided at any time of the day.

When to call a veterinarian at home
Of course, when the veterinary clinic where your dog is served is located nearby and there are no special health problems, but you just want to make a preventive examination of your four-legged friend, you can walk or drive to the veterinarian. But there are situations when it is better to make a call and invite a specialist to your home.

An urgent veterinarian call is required if:
- the dog is seriously injured or bleeding from the veins or arteries of the neck, other parts of the body;
- she began to suffocate - her tongue turned blue, she behaves restlessly, breathing is difficult, she rubs her face with her paws;
- the animal has a swollen belly, fever, convulsions or convulsions, vomiting or diarrhea began, salivation increased, foam appeared from the mouth.

In some cases, a timely call to the veterinarian at home can literally save the dog from death. Poisoning is especially dangerous when, during a walk, the animal could eat poison, which is laid out for homeless animals. The smaller the breed of the dog, the faster it can die from such a potent substance. Any change in the behavior of an animal, accompanied by a worsening of its condition, should alert you and force you to immediately seek urgent veterinary help. If there is a suspicion of rabies, enteritis or other dangerous infectious disease, calling a veterinarian at home is the only reasonable solution.

How to make a call
Even when your dog has never been sick, make sure that you always have the phone number of the 24-hour veterinarian or those doctors who visit your home at your fingertips. If you live in a large city, call the Helpline for the numbers of specialized veterinary clinics. But the best way is to find the veterinarian numbers you need on the internet.

When making a call, describe all the symptoms in the most detailed way so that the veterinarian can take all the necessary drugs and tools with him. Tell him in detail how you can get to you faster. The cost of a call in the daytime is 500-700 rubles, at night, from 21:00 to 7:00, a call can cost 1200-1500 rubles.

You can call a veterinarian at home in advance, if urgent medical intervention is not required: for an initial examination, routine vaccination, sterilization or castration surgery, etc.