What Birds Are Singing

What Birds Are Singing
What Birds Are Singing

Bird singing is one of the most pleasant sounds for humans. Our planet would look strange and uncomfortable if all these trills, whistles, chirps suddenly ceased overnight. And what birds are considered good singers among the great variety of birds?

What birds are singing
What birds are singing

Beautiful singing of birds gives a person a real aesthetic pleasure. It is no coincidence that a good singer can still be respectfully called the Kursk nightingale. Almost all birds can make sounds. This is due to the vibration of the membranes located at the junction of the trachea and bronchi. However, such sounds are not always beautiful and melodic. For example, the hoarse caw of a crow is unlikely to please anyone. And the piercing, unpleasant cries of peacocks are simply a stark contrast to their wonderful appearance. Just like in the cartoon about Baron Munchausen, who decided to get this "miracle bird, which, judging by its plumage, should sing great." Therefore, birds capable of producing melodious sounds, pleasing to the human ear, are called "singing". Most of the songbirds are in the "Sparrow-like" order. This is the most numerous order, numbering about 5400 species. The birds included in it are small and medium in size, and are divided into two large groups: insectivorous and granivorous. Granivorous songbirds include, for example, siskin, goldfinch, canary, crossbill. Their singing is not as varied as that of insectivores. It is sharper, even rough. Such birds, as a rule, easily get used to captivity and quickly begin to eat there. Insectivorous songbirds - nightingale, starling, robin, warbler, bluethroat, thrush, warbler, oriole and others. Their singing is much more varied and melodic. They find it more difficult to get used to captivity and do not immediately begin to eat ready-made food. There are excellent imitators among these birds. First of all, this applies to starlings, which are able to reproduce the sounds of other birds with extremely high accuracy, even such large ones as the crane, for example. Budgerigars (especially males) do not formally belong to songbirds, but they also often and very well sing. As a rule, this indicates a good mood of the bird or that it wants to communicate with the owner. In wildlife, birds sing most actively during the nesting and incubation period. When the chicks hatch, singing becomes much more rare, and after the chicks leave the parent nest, in many cases it stops altogether. True, some sedentary birds sing all year round. In some cases, a bird (for example, a red warbler) can simultaneously play two melodies.
