What Does A Common Viper Snake Look Like?

What Does A Common Viper Snake Look Like?
What Does A Common Viper Snake Look Like?

One of the few venomous representatives of the fauna found in Russia is the common viper (Vipera berus) - a beautiful and at the same time rather dangerous snake. Her poison is not as strong as, for example, that of a gyurza or a cobra. However, the bite of this reptile in some cases can even cause the death of the victim. Therefore, of course, everyone should have an idea of what a viper snake looks like.

What does an ordinary viper look like?
What does an ordinary viper look like?

The habitat of this reptile is very wide. Vipers are found in almost all regions of Russia, with the exception, perhaps, only of the tundra. This snake can be recognized primarily by the shape of its head. She in the viper is quite large and at the same time flat. A narrow intercept separates the head from the body.

The snake's muzzle is sharp and slightly elongated. This shape is typical for the head of almost all venomous snakes. This is due primarily to the presence of poisonous glands. Very often the head of the common viper is decorated with a characteristic pattern that resembles the letter "X". The pupils of this snake are vertical. This is also in most cases a sign of a venomous snake.

The body size of Vipera berus is usually not too large. Its length rarely exceeds 75 cm. In the northern regions of the country, individuals up to a meter long are sometimes found.

The color of the skin of the viper is different. But almost always on her back, you can see a narrow dark gray zigzag, and in rare cases even, strip. This pattern is not seen only in absolutely black vipers.

In central Russia, representatives of this genus of reptiles with brown or gray skin are most often found. However, on the territory of our country, brown or even cherry-red vipers are also common.

The poisonous teeth of this snake are located only in the upper part of the jaw. They are about 4 mm long. A disturbed reptile always hisses violently. The vipers themselves never attack people. However, you shouldn't even touch the snake with a stick. In this case, the common viper can easily get angry and start rushing at the offender.

Not only adult snakes of this species are poisonous, but also their offspring. Newly born viper cubs have a body length of 10-16 cm. In color, they are no different from adults. The poison in the cubs is gaining full strength within 4-6 hours after birth.

Common vipers live mainly in forests and meadows with tall grass. You are most likely to encounter this snake while walking in swampy areas. Also, these snakes love to climb into haystacks, live in raspberry thickets, on river banks and in abandoned gardens. Vipera berus is also found in the mountains - among the rocks. A snake floating on a river or lake can also seem like a viper. The area of the territory of one individual is usually 60-100 meters in diameter.
