Why do people keep birds at home? Probably because birds symbolize freedom, independence and flight. Being next to a bird, a person subconsciously brings these concepts closer to himself, feeling himself in harmony with nature. The pacifying chirping, grace and defenselessness of birdies make the heart sink and be fascinated to watch every beat of its light wings. But feathered favorites can flutter, sing and enjoy life only in good conditions. What should a person know who decides to settle a bird in his house?

- A properly selected cage is necessary for the normal life of a bird. For each species of birds, the volume of the "apartment" should be different. It should be taken into account that a cage that is too spacious seems uncomfortable to a bird, it huddles in a corner and feels insecure. A small cage also has its drawbacks - a bird sits in it a lot and can get obesity, in such a house the bird runs the risk of breaking off its feathers.
- The feeder and drinker must be retractable, they must not be placed under the perch on which the bird sits due to the ingress of droppings. The retractable bottom makes cleaning the cage much easier.
- The size of the perches must be selected taking into account the fact that the bird is comfortable to hold, the paws should clasp them almost completely. It is necessary to install the perches in such a way that the bird's tail does not touch the walls.
- River sand not only neutralizes unpleasant odors, but is also necessary for the digestion of the bird, for this it is poured into the bottom of the cage.
- You need to clean the bird's apartment daily, because pathogenic microbes and other parasites quickly multiply in a dirty cage. It is necessary to remove the droppings, change the sand, wash the feeder, drinker and sump. The cage must be clean and dry.