Domestic parrots live in unnatural conditions for their species, and proper nutrition contributes to their longevity. It is because of the ill-conceived diet that most birds (in nature - long-livers) in captivity do not live up to the age of 8-10 years. If you have a feathered pet, carefully consider its diet with the help of a veterinarian and an experienced breeder. If the parrot does not eat the food prepared for it, you should seriously think about it. The reasons for this can be different - from a poor menu to your pet's illness.

Take a closer look at the familiar bird lovers. How many of them scrupulously follow all the recommendations of the veterinarian, introduce all the necessary food of plant and animal origin into the menu of parrots? In natural conditions, birds get their own food, instinctively choosing the healthy food they need. In captivity, they have to be content with the contents of the feeder.

It happens that the owners of domestic parrots for a long time feed them only grains and fruits. Meanwhile, birds should regularly receive fresh greens and vegetables, grain and flour waste, tree twigs and buds, animal proteins and vitamins, fish oil and special wet feed mixtures … In other words, complete nutrition according to the requirements of a particular breed.

Naturally, due to a meager diet, the parrot can get sick and will refuse to eat. You should be alarmed by your pet's loss of appetite. Pay special attention to the bird if it becomes lethargic and lethargic, and its elegant plumage loses its original shine and becomes brittle. These are clear signs of a lack of some vitamins and minerals in the bird's body.

Tamed birds, raised from birth in captivity, gradually get used to a certain food. If you initially did not diversify the diet of the parrot, then he may refuse a new (so useful for him) additional food. Some feathered fussy even choose from the nutritional mixture only their favorite food (for example, sunflower seeds that are not very useful for them), while the rest of the components are ignored.

However, even with a constant variety of diet, your parrot may not eat the proposed food, and at the same time lose weight. The reason for such forced starvation, in particular, can be an overgrown growth on the beak. It prevents the bird from eating normally. This happens when the parrot does not have the conditions to grind its beak on its own. In such a situation, it is necessary to immediately visit the veterinarian and trim unnecessary horny deposits.

Before you start a parrot, be sure to develop a full menu for him in conjunction with a specialist. Train your pet to a variety of feed mixtures and try to expose the bird's cage to sunlight as often as possible so that the food eaten is better absorbed. With proper, careful care, some parrots can live in your home for more than a dozen years.