Some people have decorative rabbits. These beautiful, cute, good-natured creatures bring great joy to their owners, and at the same time, they are much easier to keep than, for example, a dog. The rabbit does not need to be walked several times a day, and much less money is spent on food. However, the content is also fraught with well-known hassles and problems. For example, it happens that he suddenly stops eating.

A rabbit may refuse to eat for many reasons. For example, if he is not fed correctly. Sometimes loving owners, trying to please the pet, reduce the proportion of hay in its diet to a minimum, focusing on juicy feed, primarily vegetables and fruits. It seems to them that they thereby demonstrate their love and care: after all, hay is so rough and tasteless. And everything turns out just the opposite: they harm the health of the rabbit. The fact is that for the normal functioning of its digestive tract, the rabbit simply has to eat such a rough food as hay. It is, of course, useful for him to receive also green, juicy food, such as fresh grass, vegetables and fruits, but only as an addition to the hay. That is, if, with such a diet, he began to refuse food, this may be a sign of a disorder of his digestive system. It is recommended to show the animal to the veterinarian and make the necessary adjustments to the nutrition. It may be so: the owners feed the pet correctly, but he, nevertheless, began to refuse to eat. In this case, it is also necessary to show the animal to the veterinarian, first of all, to check the correct bite of the teeth. Sometimes it happens that growths are formed on the back molars - "hooks", "thorns", because of which the rabbit simply cannot grind food. Naturally, because of this, his appetite disappears. After removing the formed growths, everything quickly returns to normal. Sometimes the drinker becomes the reason for refusing to eat. More precisely, malfunctions in it, interfering with the free flow of water. And for rabbits it is very important that they are provided with fresh water around the clock. Check if everything is in order with the drinker, if necessary, fix the malfunction, or purchase a new one. In any case, remember that refusing food is often the only indicator that something is wrong with the animal. And since many diseases of pets develop very quickly and, unfortunately, are often fatal, make it a rule: in such cases it is better to play it safe and not delay the visit to the veterinarian!