A talking pet parrot is the real pride of its owner. But not every parrot can be taught to talk, although by their nature these birds are very sociable. Sometimes the intelligence of a properly educated and trained parrot is not inferior to that of a four-year-old child. The human voice is able to provoke parrots to talk, regardless of whether the speech is directed to the bird or people are just talking about something with each other. Some of the most capable "talkers" are budgerigars.

Step 1
Parrots are best suited to learning human speech between the ages of one month and six months.

Step 2
The popular belief is that a female parrot cannot be taught to speak in error. It's just that for males, the procedure for teaching speech is easier.

Step 3
A parrot should be taught to speak by the same person who spends quite a lot of time with him. The bird must fully trust the person teaching her human speech. Parrots perceive better high-pitched voices, so teaching them to speak is easier for women and children.

Step 4
It is better to start teaching a parrot to speak when the feathered pet is completely accustomed to its teacher and will sit on his hand without fear.

Step 5
When teaching a parrot human speech, the teacher should be as affectionate and kind to the bird as possible.

Step 6
The parrot is a very curious bird. Therefore, in order to teach him to speak it was easier, all bright, distracting parrot things should be removed from the room, and the likelihood of extraneous sounds should be excluded.
Step 7
It is better to teach a parrot to speak at the same time, mainly before serving a treat.
Step 8
A bird of human speech should be taught in the morning and in the evening. One lesson should not last more than 10-15 minutes. But on a certain day of the week, the duration of the lesson can be increased to half an hour.
Step 9
You should start teaching a parrot to speak with the simplest and most common words, consisting of just a couple of syllables. The very first word of a feathered pet can be its nickname, full or abbreviated. The shorter and easier the word to pronounce, the easier it will be for the parrot to remember and say it.
Step 10
The very first words of a parrot should contain vowels "o" or "a", consonants "t", "p", "k", "p".
Step 11
The words and expressions that the parrot learns should always be used appropriately. For example, the owner, leaving the room, should say "goodbye", and entering it - "hello."
Step 12
Classes on teaching a parrot human words and expressions can be recorded on a dictaphone. But such records can only be included when the teacher is with the training bird. If this rule is not followed, the parrot will only talk alone.
Step 13
A capable parrot learns words very quickly and pronounces them without mistakes. Therefore, you should not speak with a pet expressions, because of which later you will have to blush and apologize to guests or household members.
Step 14
It is easy to find out if a parrot listens carefully to human speech: if a bird opens its mouth, blinks often, moves its head and imitates a sound, it listens to the teacher's conversation.
Step 15
Best of all, the parrot remembers phrases with a bright emotional coloring, for example, words of surprise, admiration.
Step 16
A person who wants to teach a parrot to speak should not get angry and shout at the bird. He needs to be patient, to go firmly towards his goal, and the result will not be long in coming.