By creating an ecosystem in your aquarium that is as close as possible to their natural habitat, you can encourage fish to spawn. Breeding fish is not easy, but very exciting and even profitable.

It is easy enough to breed some species of viviparous fish. It is much more difficult to wait for the spawning of fish that spawn, and to get a brood of fry from the eggs. Many species of aquarium fish lay eggs in order to obtain offspring. Fish can scatter eggs among algae, on the ground or stones, bury them in silt or build foam nests and store eggs in them.
Fish that take care of their offspring belong to the parent spawning group. Among them there are fish that carry their fry in their mouths.
Easy to breed fish

Macropods. Very easy to care for and breed fish. This is the first breed to be kept and propagated in an aquarium, which speaks of its undemanding and extreme adaptability. For reproduction, a couple is separated in a spawning ground, with a volume of 5-10 liters, which is abundantly planted with plants. The temperature of the water is raised by only one degree. The couple are fed only live food. Soon, the male begins to build a nest of bubbles and algae on the surface of the water. When the female lays eggs, the male himself lays it in the nest. Then the female and male are removed for safety. After two days, fry emerge from the eggs.
Speckled catfish. An interesting, peaceful and unpretentious breed of aquarium fish - speckled catfish or speckled corridor. They can be propagated in a general aquarium, but it is better to plant them in a special spawning ground with clean, aerated water, at a temperature of 18-20 ° C. For spawning, take one female and two or three males. Individuals are fed high-calorie foods. Spawning grounds are placed in a dark and quiet place. In the morning, the female glues the fertilized eggs to the stones and to the walls of the aquarium. Parents must be sent off immediately. Eggs develop independently, after 7-10 days fry hatch from them.
Spawning fussy

Scalars. Like all members of the cichlid family, scalars are demanding on the purity and temperature of the aquarium water. Given their complex body shapes and large sizes, aquariums need to be large in size. The same applies to spawning grounds. Before spawning, the water temperature is raised to 30 ° C, distillate is added. A piece of ceramic tile or artificial leaves is placed in the aquarium as a spawning substrate. From a school of fish, a couple, ready for spawning, separates, independently choosing each other. The couple is transplanted into a spawning ground, fed with live food, but without overfeeding. Two days later, the female lays eggs, crawling on her belly. The male, following her, fertilizes the eggs. For two days, the pair ventilates the eggs with fins and eats the unfertilized eggs. Then the substrate with caviar must be transferred to the nursery aquarium. At the same time, adults are not touched, they do not tolerate frequent transplantation. Fry appears after 6-8 days.
At first, larvae hatch from the eggs, which cannot be fed, and only when small fish begin to swim on their own, they are called fry, and they can already be fed.
Neon. Reproduction of blue neon is painstaking work, and sometimes even experienced aquarists cannot bring out young growth of red neon. For the spawning grounds, choose a container made of whole glass, disinfect it, put a substrate of Javanese moss or nylon mud on the bottom, pour distilled water. Be sure to use an aerator. The couple are seated separately at a low temperature of 22 ° C and fed abundantly. The spawning ground is shaded with paper from all sides, the water is heated to 25-26 ° C. Hardness should be 6.0 pH. Start a couple. After spawning, the eggs are deposited under the substrate, and the fish are deposited, and the substrate is carefully removed. Fry hatch on the fifth day. And growing them is an even more complicated procedure.
Also, eggs are laid by such common types of aquarium fish as cockerels, barbs, zebrafish, ancistrus, gourami and many others.