Open windows, unclosed cage doors, inattention of the owner - all this can lead to the fact that your winged pet suddenly leaves his home. But as soon as you notice the disappearance of the parrot, do not panic, it can still be returned. To do this, you will need a lot of patience, free time to find and help your friends.

Tips for finding the prodigal parrot

Flying out into a new world, your parrot is in a state of shock. Unaccustomed to long flights, he will not fly far. This is why the first step is to do a thorough search around your home. Pay particular attention to trees, rooftops, and raised surfaces.
At the same time, constantly call your pet, say phrases that are accustomed to him and approving words. Such behavior will certainly cause a smile among passers-by, but at the same time, word of mouth will be involved. This way you will notify as many people as possible about the loss of the parrot.
In addition, involve your friends and the kids walking in the yard to find your pet. The keen eyes of the guys will certainly help to find the feathered one.
Try to get the parrot's attention with his favorite food. Pour a treat into his feeder, place it on a hill and continue to call your pet.
As a rule, the voice of a beloved owner has a magical attraction for birds. But if your parrot is too scared, then, even seeing and hearing you, he may not take any action, being in a complete stupor.
Also listen to the cries of the crows, most often they are the first to notice the "stranger" and begin to flock to the flock, surrounding the unlucky fugitive.
If your searches during the first day ended in failure, connect others to them. To do this, post up notices about the loss in the area of residence, submit ads to local newspapers and be sure to mention the reward for returning the bird.
In addition to advertisements, there are various Internet portals dedicated to finding pets. Thanks to a special questionnaire, you will be able to indicate the place and date of loss. Special notifications that will come to your email will keep you updated.
A unique way to return a parrot that has flown away

In Japan, one of the residents invented her own original way to return a parrot that had flown away. After she lost one bird, in order to avoid another loss, the 64-year-old woman began to teach her new boyfriend to say the address of residence and her phone number. As soon as the parrot learned to clearly pronounce the address and phone number, the hostess taught him standard phrases.
One sunny day, this innovative learning bore fruit. The hostess forgot to close the window and the parrot flew away. But not for long. In 2 days in the evening the silence was broken by a phone call. On the other end of the line, a policeman asked about the missing bird. So the parrot named Pigo returned back to its cozy "nest".
However, you can avoid losing your pet and the hassle associated with losing it by following just a few simple rules:
- do not open windows in the apartment / house when the bird is flying around the room;
- install mosquito nets on the windows;
- before opening the window, check whether the cage door is properly locked.
Remember that you are responsible for those you have tamed! Don't lose your favorites!