What Is The Breed Of York

What Is The Breed Of York
What Is The Breed Of York

Not so long ago, having a Yorkshire Terrier dog was considered a huge luxury, and puppies of this breed cost a lot of money. Nowadays, becoming the owner of a Yorkshire Terrier is not a luxury, but a whim! The fact is that these dogs are rightfully considered one of the smallest pocket animals in the world.

Yorkshires are cute creatures
Yorkshires are cute creatures

History of the emergence of Yorkshire terriers

Yorkshires are real little friends! This breed originates relatively recently - in the 19th century. They first appeared in England and were introduced as a hunting version of the dog: Yorkshires were used to catch small rodents. It is curious that their role did not last long - ladies from high society noticed the lovely creatures.

After that, the Yorkshires acquired the status of tame (pocket) dogs, since almost every second wealthy lady wanted to have such a "toy" at home. After some time, Yorkshires have become an indispensable "attribute" of every true lady at one or another social event and reception. These dogs also have their own dress code: a mini bow tied on a terrier's head.

Yorkshire Terriers are in fashion

Yorkshire Terriers are currently quite popular decorative dogs all over the world, as they are one of the smallest dog breeds. These crumbs are sociable and cheerful, as well as loyal, confident and brave enough creatures! They can be maintained by both experienced owners and real amateurs.

Despite their ridiculous size, courageous and independent Yorkshire Terriers often try to dominate other dogs, many times superior to them in status and size. It is curious that these creatures can easily get along with other pets. Yorkshire can easily get along with a small child.

Yorkshire terrier: cons of this dog breed

Unfortunately, this unique dog breed has its drawbacks. Thanks to the popularity, the quality of the puppies began to deteriorate - it is not possible to constantly monitor the entire pedigree of Yorkshires. Often, unscrupulous breeders breed sick animals, resulting in unhealthy offspring.

The disadvantages of this breed of dogs include the selfishness of Yorkshires: dogs require a lot of attention, care and affection. If the owner treats his pet with some coldness, the dog may be seriously offended and angry with him! Moreover, caring for these creatures requires certain costs: daily combing, hairstyling, as well as cutting claws and constant washing can suck a lot of strength out of a business person.

Many representatives of this breed of dogs have frequent dental problems. In this regard, Yorkshire teeth need regular cleaning and plaque removal. This procedure also takes a lot of time. And in the cold season, these crumbs need warm clothes and even shoes. As a result, these dogs will have to take a whole shelf in their closet.
