How Much Is A Kitten Of The Usher Breed

How Much Is A Kitten Of The Usher Breed
How Much Is A Kitten Of The Usher Breed

Ashera is considered one of the most prestigious pets, which, given its price, may well be called a luxury. However, scientists have proved: Ashera is the same savannah cat …

How much does a kitten of the Usher breed cost?
How much does a kitten of the Usher breed cost?

The Usher cat is one of the most expensive breeds … turned out to be a scam. According to the "creators" of the breed, the cost of one kitten ranges from $ 20,000 to $ 27,000 (700,000 to 900,000 in rubles). In the USA, they are supposedly cheaper because it is there that they are "bred".

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However, the creator of the Savannah breed recognized his pets in the "ushers", and the DNA-examination confirmed: cats passed off as unique ushers are savannas. True, their cost has not changed much from this.

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Savannah is a difficult breed: the blood of the African serval and the domestic cat flows in its veins. That is, the savannah is a graceful domestic predator that has absorbed all the beauty of a wild predator and the complaisance of a domestic purr.

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First generation kittens can be purchased for an average price of about 16,000 euros (760,000 rubles). True, with each next offspring, the savannah, most likely, will more and more resemble a domestic cat, losing its exotic predation (unless the savannah is not reduced to a wild serval). Consequently, such offspring will be cheaper. Second generation: 10,500 - 11,500 euros (500,000 - 550,000 rubles), third generation 4,000 - 4,500 euros (190,000 - 213,000 rubles), fourth 3,000 - 3,500 euros (142,500 - 166,000 rubles), fifth - about 2,500 euros (119,000 rubles). Girls are more expensive.

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The appeal of savannahs is understandable: these are small domestic leopards that can be walked on a leash down the street. In length, its elongated body can reach 60 - 130 centimeters, by weight - 15 kilograms. The neck is elongated, on a small neat head there are large rounded ears. Thick, short golden or chocolate hair is decorated with rosette spots - just like wild leopards. Long tail - in rings, "smile" predatory, with fangs.

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By nature, savannahs are docile and intelligent, they easily get along with other pets, they love to play, walk and are not afraid of water. They are friendly and attached to the owner. They love attention to themselves. Their health is strong. This, in addition to natural beauty, are several more factors that speak in favor of such an expensive cat. True, on the Internet you can still find advertisements for the sale and purchase of "mythological" ushers, which, most likely, will turn out to be the same savannas.
