Why Cats Can Watery Eyes

Why Cats Can Watery Eyes
Why Cats Can Watery Eyes

Cat owners sometimes notice that the animal has watery eyes. The most correct thing would be to show the cat to the veterinarian - he will help to understand the cause of such a disease and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Why cats can watery eyes
Why cats can watery eyes

Only a veterinarian can determine the reason why a cat has tears from its eyes and prescribe the correct treatment. But it should be borne in mind that if the discharge from the eyes is small and mainly appears after sleep, this can be considered a physiological norm. In these cases, don't panic. Take care of the hygiene of the animal - you can rinse your eyes with cotton swabs, soaking them in boiled water at room temperature or using special drops.

When lacrimation is observed often and in large quantities, and the cat tries to rub its eyes with its paws, squints, most likely the cause of the tears is the disease. A veterinarian will help to determine this more precisely, so you do not need to delay a visit to him.

The main causes of watery eyes in domestic cats and cats

Animals can have watery eyes due to infections - bacterial, viral. Because of them, the mucous membrane is often inflamed, conjunctivitis begins. To more accurately find out the cause of lacrimation, you will need to do tests. If inflammation is confirmed, the doctor will recommend anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs.

Eyes can watery due to allergies - to food, dust, pollen, chemicals. Even animal hair can act as an allergen if it hangs over the eyes. Another reason is worms. They can also provoke eye discharge.

Often, cat's eyes watery not because of diseases, but because of microtraumas, scratches, sand ingress. If the corneal injury is too deep, you can lose your eyesight, so you should see a doctor immediately.

In Persian and British cats, lacrimation can also occur because the structure of their lacrimal canals is not entirely normal. The owners need to be more careful about the hygiene of pets, you can rinse the eyes of cats with the use of special wet wipes, cosmetic preparations for animals.
