How To Get Rid Of Fleas

How To Get Rid Of Fleas
How To Get Rid Of Fleas

You rarely meet a person who is completely indifferent to pets. Most of us are very fond of our furry pets, and the sight of adorable tiny puppies or kittens will touch everyone. However, in this very fluffy wool creatures find shelter and food, whose presence can please only a scientist-entomologist.

How to get rid of fleas
How to get rid of fleas

Yes, we are talking about an ordinary flea that causes a lot of trouble for both the four-legged pet and its owner. Anyone who discovers these small, but extremely unpleasant parasites in their dog or cat, immediately has only one desire: to remove fleas as soon as possible, and preferably forever. After all, fleas do not just create inconvenience due to the itching caused by their bites. Fleas are also carriers of more than 25 diseases, including such dangerous ones as hepatitis, typhus and tick-borne encephalitis.

how to treat fleas
how to treat fleas

Unfortunately, preventing fleas is nearly impossible. An animal can pick up a parasite when communicating with relatives or having visited a place infected with them (and such a place is, in fact, any territory outside the apartment). In addition, fleas can get into the apartment from neighbors or from basements, for example, during renovations. The animal will begin to react to itching, the owners' legs are attacked by bloodsuckers - which means there are fleas in the house. On the body of an animal, they are easiest to notice on the belly, where light skin is not so tightly covered with wool.

flea treatment for dogs
flea treatment for dogs

Is there an effective way to get rid of fleas? Several very reliable means have been developed to protect animals.

in small kittens fleas intoxol
in small kittens fleas intoxol

Collars. The most simple to use, fairly safe product, which, however, cannot boast of high efficiency. In addition, the composition of the chemicals, thanks to which the collar has anti-flea properties, is not always safe for the pets themselves. In particular, amitraza is contraindicated in cats and may cause an allergic reaction in a dog.

how to get rid of cat fleas
how to get rid of cat fleas

Shampoos are also not highly effective, especially for domestic products. In addition, keep in mind that the animal, licking the fur, will inevitably receive a dose of the drug, and as a result - weakness, nausea, vomiting and even fever. Therefore, after applying the shampoo, it is better to rinse the coat thoroughly.

getting rid of fleas in dogs
getting rid of fleas in dogs

Drops are a very effective tool that allows you to quickly destroy fleas on the body of an animal. Applied to the skin of a pet in a hard-to-reach place (usually the withers), the drops are quickly absorbed into the blood, after which it turns from a delicacy for fleas into a deadly poison. We especially note that flea larvae that hatched in the animal's bed or in other places convenient for them will also die. After 2-3 hours after applying the drops, the animal needs to be washed, and the effect of the substance will remain for another month.

The spray is no less effective than drops, in addition, it will help get rid of fleas not only on the pet's skin itself, but also at some distance from it. The effectiveness of the spray lasts up to 3 months.

Thorough cleaning with a vacuum cleaner will help to get rid of the larvae and eggs that have already fallen from the animal (special attention - any soft objects that are not higher than 1 meter from the floor, it is here that eggs and larvae can accumulate), after which - treatment with insecticidal preparations.

Remember that fleas hatch from eggs after 1-2 weeks, so even after the most thorough cleaning, fleas may reappear for a short time. Don't worry, the drug will protect your pet, and uninvited guests will quickly disappear again.
