Huskies are strong and resilient dogs with a spectacular appearance and great self-esteem. If you have acquired such a dog, find a suitable name for it. The nickname should be unusual, bright and beautiful - the same as the husky itself.

Step 1
Harsh Eskimo dogs with bright blue eyes and thick hair are strong, hardy animals that do not like sentimentality. When choosing a nickname for your pet, forget about pretentious, corny or too childish names. They will not work for a dog.

Step 2
In search of interesting ideas, watch films featuring huskies, malamutes, aki-inu and other northern dogs. Daimon, Buddy, Shasti or Buddha are very good names for a pet, and they are suitable for both a male and a female. Some good options can also be found in the literature. Read Jack London or Remark. The names of the courageous heroes and gentle heroines of their books are quite suitable for real huskies.

Step 3
Eskimo dogs will also like geographic nicknames. Siberia, Tundra, Altai, Montana, Alaska, Arctic, North, Baikal - any of the options seems to be created for the husky. Words denoting natural phenomena - Wind, Blizzard, Blizzard - sound good too. The phrases also look very nice. Usually such names are given to breeding dogs from kennels, but nothing will prevent you from calling your pet the North Wind or Pole Star.

Step 4
Pay attention to the words starting with the letters P and X. The first is liked by all dogs, and the second is suitable for huskies, since it resembles their unusual barking, reminiscent of wheezing. Harry, Clovis, Helga - your pets should appreciate these nicknames.

Step 5
Eskimo dogs are associated with the North of America and Russia. Therefore, English and Russian names are suitable for huskies, as well as words that reflect their difficult nature. Mystery, Dream, Princess or Norma, Frisbee, Alice - these nicknames dogs will remember without difficulty and will respond to them with pleasure.