What Animals Kiss

What Animals Kiss
What Animals Kiss

Often people attribute to animals feelings that they themselves experience. Unfortunately, animals do not feel spiritual closeness, but are guided only by instincts. However, many species show true affection for their partners and even know how to kiss.

What animals kiss
What animals kiss

With the arrival of spring, nature awakens and the time of love comes for all living beings on the planet. A surge of strength and romantic feelings is felt not only by people, but also by their smaller brothers. Animals use a variety of tools and tricks to find their soul mate. They demonstrate their strength and power, a beautiful outfit and a loud voice, treat their partner with delicacies and show concern for their future offspring. Of course, their communication is not complete without games and tactile contact, which is so similar to the communication of a couple in love. Some animals sniff each other when they meet, others move on and kiss just like humans.


there are monkeys
there are monkeys

At first glance, large and powerful giants do not look like romantic lovers. However, males start courting their female friends long before the mating season. They present the lady of the heart with delicious juicy branches and massage her. During dates, couples twist their trunks and wag their ears in sync.

Cute and funny seals love to spend time together for a long time. The couple prefers to retire on the beach during a date, gently touching each other and merging in a kiss.

Prairie dogs

buy a monkey
buy a monkey

These amazing little animals are still kissing lovers. They prefer to live in large communities and the number of individuals can reach several thousand. They prefer to express the joy of meeting members of the group with the help of a kiss.


the animal lives the longest
the animal lives the longest

Since ancient times, these birds have become a symbol of love between a man and a woman. During their mating dance, the couple whirls, spreads their feathers and coos loudly.

After mating, the doves cannot tear themselves away from each other for a long time and spend time kissing and brushing feathers.


The mating dance of dolphins can evoke tenderness in anyone. The couple whirls in the water for a long time and shows each other their capabilities. The lovers touch their heads and fins, merging in a kiss.


Some species of monkeys like to express affection for each other like humans. Some exchange light kisses, while others love to touch their lips and tongue. Zoo employees sometimes even complain about their pets, who want to show them their affection in this intimate form.

Giraffes don't kiss

Giraffes, contrary to popular belief, cannot kiss. Two animals rubbing against each other in the photo does not mean romantic games at all, but on the contrary - this is a kind of struggle between males, which greatly exhausts them. Such a confrontation can last up to 20 minutes.
