Since people began to use horses for their own purposes: for movement or work, there was a need for horseshoes that protect the hooves. Shoeing a horse correctly is a difficult job that not everyone can do.

Step 1
Before nailing a horseshoe, you need to carefully examine the horse's hooves. If they have any injuries or if the horse's legs are inflamed, it is better to refrain from shoeing and let the animal rest.

Step 2
In the event that everything is in order with the legs, you can proceed to the next stage - removing the old horseshoes. Remove the horseshoe carefully so as not to damage it. Take a forging hammer and carefully loosen the nails with which the horseshoe is nailed. Further, with the help of cutting (a special tool, similar to an elongated hatchet), you need to bend or cut off the heads of the nails. Handle the crochet with extreme caution so as not to damage the animal's hoof. Then the horseshoe is raised above the hoof, pushing open hoof ticks under it. When the horseshoe is raised, it is lightly hit with a hammer so that the tops of the nails are visible. Now you can carefully and evenly remove the nails and remove the old horseshoe.

Step 3
When the horseshoe is removed, you need to thoroughly wash the horse's hooves, wipe them dry and remove the dead part of the hoof. Then you need to take measurements from the hoof. To do this, measure the length, width of the hoof, as well as the width of its heel. According to the given standards, a factory horseshoe is selected or a homemade one is made in the forge.

Step 4
A new horseshoe, made to the correct size, is nailed in three stages. First, forging nails are driven into the outer and inner sides of the horseshoe. Then, as with forging, the horseshoe is upset by hitting with a hammer. After the horseshoe is upset, you need to fix the nails with hats (they are called lambs). There is a white line on the sole of the hoof, into which the inner layer of the horny wall passes. This line is clearly visible. You need to nail the horseshoe strictly along it, since it is insensitive to pain.