A common problem nowadays is an allergy to four-legged friends. The causative agent of allergic reactions can be saliva, wool, and sometimes even animal feed. So what should you do: have a fluffy pet or take care of your health?

The answer is simple - get hypoallergenic animals, including aquarium fish. They will perfectly remove the emotional stress, bring a kind of serenity and comfort into everyday life. It is very easy to acquire these dumb pets now - pet stores provide the widest selection of fish. However, before doing this, be sure to check their food for allergens. To do this, it is enough to pour it into a shallow dish and leave it for a while. If there is no reaction - feel free to buy!

Another cold-blooded pets are turtles. As a rule, they are durable, quiet, quickly adapt to people, and are easy to take care of. Sometimes they can bite, but only when they are hungry for a long time. In all other respects, the turtles do not show aggression.
A lizard will be a very original purchase for an allergy sufferer. But do not forget that they need to move a lot, so you will often have to let them out of the terrarium for jogging. Most lizards are predators. They eat several times a day, preferring spiders, worms, crickets, small vertebrates.
Snails are ideal pets for people with allergic reactions to animals. They are simple enough to feed, easy to care for, they are quiet, and besides, they can live with the fish. And land snails (Achatina) grow to the size of a human palm, live 10 years and, they say, can even recognize their owner.
If the listed options for some reason do not fit, but you want a classic pet, there is also a way out. There are many hairless, low-shedding, and non-shedding breeds, both among cats and dogs. The most common are the Sphynx and Cornish Rex: the former are extremely intelligent, the latter are playful. If you still want a doggie, you can buy a Mexican hairless dog, which, by the way, is perfectly trained. The poodle is an excellent choice for children - it is very friendly.