How To Raise A Goat

How To Raise A Goat
How To Raise A Goat

Table of contents:


The goat is one of the most unpretentious pets. However, in order to raise a healthy goat that gives a lot of milk and wool, you need to provide it with good living conditions.

How to raise a goat
How to raise a goat


Step 1

First of all, decide on the breed of animal - whether it will be a dairy, downy, woolly or coarse-haired goat. It all depends on the goal. If you want to raise a goat for milk, you should pay attention to the Russian white breed, if for wool - to Angora or Kashmir. Accordingly, the care for them will also differ.

All about goats: how to keep
All about goats: how to keep

Step 2

The goat does not like being alone very much, so consider buying several individuals in advance. For example, you can buy a goat and a goat, a uterus with kids, or maybe just two young goats. So they quickly adapt to new conditions.

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how to keep a goat

Step 3

Prepare a bright, airy and ventilated animal room. Set up a small walking yard nearby so that goats can freely go outside right from the barn door.

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how to expand the small opening of the nipple in a goat

Step 4

To raise a good goat, take care of its year-round nutrition. These animals prefer the branches and bark of trees for food, they happily eat hay and any waste from the home table. But even if you provide a sufficient amount of hay, you need to give them a broom with the addition of pine needles daily. For the winter, you should stock up on one hundred such brooms, about a hundred centimeters long, per goat.

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raise a kitten

Step 5

In order for a goat to produce enough milk for many years, it must produce offspring annually. Puberty in an animal occurs at the age of six to seven months, but a young goat should be brought down no earlier than one and a half years old. On average, a goat lives for 15 years, and the best time to give birth is between 6 and 9 years old.
