How To Raise A Cow

How To Raise A Cow
How To Raise A Cow

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To have a cow on the farm means to have milk, cottage cheese, sour cream. It is quite expensive to buy an adult cow. It is more economical to grow it yourself. Already a year and a half after birth, the animal is able to give birth, and after it milk.

How to raise a cow
How to raise a cow


Step 1

The cow calved. Place the calf close to the cow's head so she can lick it. With her tongue, the cow cleans the calf's hair, massages it, and this improves the blood circulation and breathing of the newborn. With this maternal care, the calf will quickly dry out and rise to its feet. If the cow refuses to lick the calf, wipe it off and keep it in a warm room.

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Step 2

In different periods of life, a calf needs care with its own characteristics. The first three months are the milk period. In the first week of life, the calf should be fed with colostrum. Colostrum improves immunity, cleanses the intestines. If there is no colostrum, then you need to give the calf a mixture: an egg mixture with added sugar, artificial colostrum. From the second day on, feed the calf warm water. After a week, you can already give jelly, cooked from oatmeal. And only after 2 weeks start giving hay. Gradually introduce into the diet grated or finely chopped carrots, feed mixture, increasing the amount from 0.5 kg to 7.5 - 8 kg per day. During these months, heifer growth is very intense, so feed should be plentiful and fresh.

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Step 3

Release the animal to fresh air from the third week. This helps to harden the body, is a prophylaxis against diseases. The first walks should be no more than 15 minutes, preferably in the afternoon. Gradually increase your exposure to air up to an hour and a half.

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Step 4

Post-milk period. By one year, the live weight of the heifer increases seven to eight times. If the mass has increased much more, it can lead to obesity and delayed puberty. By the time of coating, the live weight should be about 380 kg. To control weight gain, weigh the heifer once a month. Based on this, it is necessary to calculate the daily diet of your animal. Pay great attention to the udder of the cow: watch how it develops, massage (10-15 minutes). It promotes the development of the mammary glands and increases milk production in the future.
