Most owners are in no hurry to vaccinate cats that constantly live in a city apartment. Probably, it seems to them that under such conditions of keeping the animal is completely insured against any kind of infection. But it is not so.

The owner can bring an infection dangerous to the feline organism into the apartment on shoes or clothes, of course, without even knowing it. Therefore, the domestic lifestyle that a cat leads is unlikely to fully protect the pet from all kinds of infection. A vaccination delivered on time will help keep the cat healthy and should not be neglected.
Kittens can be vaccinated from the age of three months after consulting a veterinarian. If there are any contraindications for vaccination, the doctor will certainly point out them. Vaccinate only in a clinic specially equipped for this - there are created the right conditions for storing the vaccine.
Before starting vaccination, the cat must be swallowed, that is, the body must be cleaned of worms, otherwise the consequences of vaccination can be extremely unpleasant. Deworming does not apply to one-time procedures - it will need to be repeated after ten days. The drugs do not affect the larvae of parasites, so it will not work to rid the animal of them at once.
After another ten days, you can finally get the first vaccination. For this, a complex preparation is used, which includes vaccines against calicivirus infection, rabies, panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis. If the animal is vaccinated for the first time, revaccination should be performed after three weeks. For her, a drug is used that protects against the same infections, excluding rabies - it will not need re-vaccination for it.
Further, the pet will need to be vaccinated once a year, but revaccination is no longer needed. In many ways, the cat's health will depend on the conditions of its keeping, so try to take care of the pet. A healthy cat will bring a lot of joy and comfort to your home.