How To Punish A Rabbit

How To Punish A Rabbit
How To Punish A Rabbit

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Is your eared pet playing pranks and disobeying again? Punish him, but so that he is not really scared. Rabbits are very susceptible to stress, and a strong fright can end in disaster for the animal.

How to punish a rabbit
How to punish a rabbit


Step 1

If the rabbit can't figure out where to send his natural needs, then in order to train him to the litter box, use almost the same methods as the owners of kittens and puppies. Buy Antigadin spray and spray it in places where the rabbit is not allowed. However, unlike, for example, dogs, eared bullies do not mind fulfilling small and large needs even where their bowl is located, so put a few tasty pieces in the tray.

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Step 2

If you find a rabbit doing natural necessities, in no case yell at him. Take it in your arms (and not by the scruff of the scruff of a kitten) and transfer it to the tray. It is possible that after the rabbit finishes all its affairs and finds a treat in the tray, he will like the way you think, and he will gradually stop shitting anywhere.

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Step 3

If the rabbit defiantly chews on everything that only comes into its field of vision, take a newspaper, roll it up into a tube and lightly slap it on the spot where its tail is. If the rabbit continues to chew on your favorite shoes or wallpaper with the same enthusiasm, you can knock on the floor with a rolled-up newspaper. Usually, a rabbit breaks away from eating forbidden things for a moment, as tapping on the floor on the rabbits' tongue indicates a warning. At the same moment, lightly click on his nose and say loudly, but not sharply: "You can't." Of course, this method of raising a rabbit (like all others) will only work if you constantly engage with the rabbit, at least for a couple of weeks, until he develops a reflex.

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Step 4

You can also attract the attention of the animal and distract it from pampering with wires, wallpaper or clothes with the help of a small soft toy. Say out loud: "You can't" and at the same moment throw a toy at him. The method is effective, firstly, because in the mind of the rabbit, the toy, and not you, will be to blame for causing him inconvenience. And, secondly, the command "no" will soon become a signal for him that now it will hurt, and he will run away from the crime scene with only one shout.

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Step 5

If the rabbit cannot sleep in any way, gnaws at the bars of the cage, loosens it and knocks on the floor with its paws, this means that it simply does not have enough attention. In this case, several options are possible:

- cover the cage with a thick blanket and press down with something heavy on top so that the rabbit does not clatter the cage;

- open the cage and pick him up to stroke and calm him down;

- take the cage with the rabbit to another room, as these animals usually do not mind and just play "in public."
