Where Do Insects Come From In Spring

Where Do Insects Come From In Spring
Where Do Insects Come From In Spring

In spring, migratory birds fly to their native lands, animals come out of hibernation. But other, smaller representatives of wildlife are also returning. When the frosts go away, and, finally, it becomes warm, insects wake up, which were not visible all winter.

Where do insects come from in spring
Where do insects come from in spring

Wintering butterflies


Different types of butterflies have different lifespans. The lifespan of some is calculated in weeks, or even days, while others are able to live for several years. Long-lived butterflies are able to survive the winter in various stages. The raspberry silkworm can wait out the cold in the form of a caterpillar; individuals of many species spend this harsh time in the form of a pupa.

Adult butterflies also hibernate. They find secluded places for themselves in advance - they fasten plant leaves to the branches, from which they make a comfortable cocoon, climb into hollows and cracks in trees, and hide in abandoned buildings. With the arrival of heat, insects wake up and come out of their hiding places.

Some species of butterflies do not fall asleep, but, like migratory birds, fly away to winter in warm regions. These include the admiral butterfly living in Russia, which spends winters in West Africa.

Mosquito on pause

How insects fly
How insects fly

With the onset of cold weather, mosquitoes so annoying over the summer disappear. These blood-sucking insects hide under the bark of trees that has moved away from the trunk, in animal burrows or simply in dry grass. Those who prefer to live in the city spend the winter in empty premises. They can be found in abandoned buildings, in attics and basements, in heating pipe tunnels and even in the subway. In frosts, the mosquito's metabolic rate decreases. He seems to pause in order to remove from her with the arrival of warmth.

Today, a mosquito can be found in the city even in winter. The reason for this insomnia is the presence of damp heated rooms (for example, basements with faulty pipes), where mosquitoes can breed even in cold weather.

What the May beetle does in January

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What are the smallest insects

Numerous beetles also prefer to wait out the winter in a secluded place in order to wake up in the spring and go back to their business. Many species, including the May beetle, hibernate in the soil, buried several tens of centimeters so that the frost does not reach them. Bronzovka prefers to spend the winter in warm compost heaps. Beetles love to sleep in the cracks of trees and under the bark for the winter.

Pretender fly

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The life of some flies has already become impossible away from human dwelling. They also prefer to spend the winter in their home that has already become their own. With the onset of winter, insects find secluded places with a cool, even temperature - balconies, basements, where they clog in cracks and remain until spring. It is not uncommon to see supposedly dead flies between the window frames in winter. In fact, they are not dead, but only waiting for the warming to wake up and reappear.
