Many dog lovers are sincerely convinced that their pet is incapable of aggressive behavior towards humans, but the reality can be cruel. Aggressiveness largely depends on the natural characteristics of the breed, which literally dictate the behavior of the animal.

Step 1
Aggressiveness to one degree or another is inherent in all dogs, regardless of breed. The degree of aggressiveness largely depends on belonging to a particular breed. The most aggressive dogs are considered hunting and fighting breeds, which were specially bred for areas requiring maximum ruthlessness from the dog and the ability to attack without hesitation. There are statistics on how large dogs attack humans, so most people think that it is the big dogs that are the most aggressive.

Step 2
In fact, the number of attacks by tame dogs and dachshunds on humans is much higher than the number of attacks by fighting dogs. The lack of statistics on monitoring the aggressiveness of tame dogs is due to the fact that, for example, Chihuahuas cannot seriously injure a person, therefore, going to the hospital with such bites is extremely rare.

Step 3
Upon closer examination, the first place in the list of the most aggressive dogs is shared by dachshunds and chihuahuas. In the case of dachshunds, the natural hunting instinct is critical, causing the dog to periodically break out in public. In the case of Chihuahuas, it's all about the instinct of preserving and protecting the owner. These little dogs are so attached to their owner that if they identify the behavior of a stranger as dangerous, they will immediately attack. Given that both dachshunds and chihuahuas cannot cause serious injury, most of their owners do not consider them dangerous and walk dogs of these breeds even without a leash.

Step 4
If we take statistics as a basis, then the most aggressive dogs can be recognized as pit bull terriers, bull terriers and terriers. All these dogs belong to fighting breeds, therefore they require serious education. There is still controversy over the safety of Bull Terriers, and in some countries breeding is prohibited by law. The thing is that bull terriers, even after being trained by a dog handler, remain very dangerous animals. There are cases when bull terriers inflicted deadly injuries on people, and there was no apparent reason for the aggression. In addition, there are cases when bull terriers attacked their owners, which ended in death for the latter.