Ladybugs are small and beautiful brightly colored beetles. They are called differently in different countries. For example, in Ukraine this insect is called "the sun", in Great Britain - "lady beetle", and in France - the same as in Russia, i.e. "ladybug".

Step 1
Ladybugs are truly cute creatures. They belong to the beetle family. With their appearance, bizarre variegation and coloring, memorable at first sight, they have attracted attention and interest from people since ancient times. In some countries, many different old superstitions and legends, fairy tales and proverbs are generally associated with ladybirds. For example, one of the legends says that a ladybug sitting on the palm of a person brings good luck. In addition, these insects bring good luck and peace to those people in whose gardens or summer cottages they settle.
Step 2
The body of a ladybug has an ovoid or hemispherical shape. The head of this insect is very short, and the entire abdomen consists of five free segments. Ladybugs differ from other beetles in that their legs at first glance seem to be three-segmented, but this is far from the case. The fact is that the third (smallest) segment is hidden in the furrow of the two-lobed second segment together with half of the fourth. These cute beetles are easily recognizable by their specific bright red or orange body color with noticeable black dots. Beetles with this coloring are called seven-spot ladybugs and are the most common species in the world. It is worth noting that entomologists call all beetles "cows" whose backs are covered with dots, commas, dashes, or even the letters "m".
Step 3
Such a bright color of ladybirds is nothing more than a warning factor, because the bright colors inherent in certain animals help them defend themselves from enemies. In other words, the bright color of the ladybug warns of its inedibility. For example, if you catch this insect and then squeeze it slightly with your fingers, it will squeeze out a drop of orange liquid. This poison is cantharidin. He is not afraid of a person, but for a bird that grabs a ladybug, it will burn the throat, and another time the bird will not even look in the direction of this insect. With such a protective coloration, ladybirds have practically nothing to fear. It is curious that other beetles disguise themselves as ladybirds in the hope that the birds will not touch them either.
Step 4
Ladybugs bring invaluable benefits to people: they eat aphids, therefore the second name of these beetles is "aphid cows". In addition to aphids, ladybugs and their larvae destroy such pests as scale insects, scale insects, spider mites, leaf beetle larvae, small caterpillars, as well as various clutches of insects and other agricultural pests. It is worth noting that ladybirds have an enviable and excellent appetite! For example, to eat, one individual needs up to 50 aphids per day! By the way, not all ladybugs are decorated with black or red spots. Among them there are those that are yellow with black dots or black with red dots. Occasionally you can see a white ladybug - this is a very young insect that has recently hatched from a pupa.