The finch is a small bird that is found in Russia, western Asia, the Mediterranean, western and southern Europe. She is distinguished by a pleasant sonorous voice, a bit like the voice of a nightingale, the ability to carefully mask her nests and an original color.

Step 1
This vocal bird is a bit like a sparrow in size and constitution. The weight of an adult common finch reaches only 40 grams, the wingspan is 28 cm, and the length from the tip of the beak to the tip of the tail varies from 14 to 16 cm. Some species of these birds, for example, the mountain finch, can reach a length of 20 cm.

Step 2
The males of finches are distinguished by a beautiful bright color, especially in the autumn. A gray-blue cap flaunts on the head of this bird, and the plumage of the "cheeks", goiter and breast is represented by a beautiful burgundy-brick color scheme. The lower part of the body in front is painted white.

Step 3
The back of the finch is brown, which is diluted to the bottom with a greenish-yellow tint. As a contrast to this color, there is a black-brown tail and black wings, on which wide white stripes with a beautiful edging of yellowish feathers are noticeable. The steel-gray beak of the finch has a conical shape and small size, typical of finch birds, and the legs of the finch are pinkish-gray.

Step 4
After the summer molt, the color of the males is no longer so bright and acquires a more calm brown-ocher hue, which helps them to camouflage in the trees in autumn. They also carefully hide their nests from the eyes of people and various representatives of the animal world, placing their dwelling on the uppermost branches and masking it with moss and grass blades.

Step 5
The females of finches cannot boast such bright plumage as the males, and their color range varies in a quieter gray-brown range. And the head and upper part of the body looks much darker than that of males, and does not have sharp color transitions. Chaffinch chicks, which are born in May and July-August, are more similar in color to females, but have a light spot at the back of the head. However, the chicks grow up rather quickly - after 3 weeks they begin adulthood and acquire the advising color.