Dwarf dog breeds are extremely popular not only because they can be kept even in a small apartment, but also because of their playfulness, sociability and devotion.

For those who have never kept miniature dogs, it may seem that they are very weak and even feeble, boring and unable to protect their owner. In fact, such dogs are unusually smart, nimble, loyal and playful. In addition, they are much easier to care for than large dogs, they take up very little space, are not expensive in terms of nutrition and are very cute. Dwarf dogs can protect their owner no worse than their large counterparts, but they do much less harm to furniture and other things in the house. For games, one small toy is enough for them, which they are content with, not paying attention to shoes, sofa upholstery and wallpaper on the walls. Dwarf dogs have many more advantages than disadvantages, and many dog breeders have already appreciated them.
What breeds of dogs are dwarf
Dwarf breeds include dogs whose height at the withers does not exceed 35 cm, and whose weight is up to 4.5 kg. These include almost all types of lapdogs, terriers, pomeranians, dachshunds, pugs, pinschers and many other breeds, even some greyhounds.
Most dwarf dogs have hunting roots and are bred for this very purpose. But most often they are bred as pets, a kind of decoration, an indicator of high social status, although this attitude towards them is not entirely correct. Dwarf dogs need constant activity, they have a natural desire to move, play.
Small dogs are very affectionate, quickly get used to the owner and trust him in everything. Having lost their master, they often lose the meaning of life, fall ill and even die. Therefore, before you get such a pet, you need to weigh the pros and cons, evaluate your capabilities, since any dog, regardless of its size, still makes certain changes in the rhythm of human life.
Features of keeping dwarf dogs
Despite their diminutive size and docile nature, dwarf dogs need training - they need to be litter trained, they need to know and follow basic commands. If the owner is not sure that he can invest such knowledge in his pet, then the training should be entrusted to a professional.
You need to feed small dogs with special food. Their digestive system is very delicate and weak, and sausage, cake or mashed potatoes can simply ruin them. Special food for dwarf dogs contains those components and substances that will not harm them in any way, will help them develop correctly and remain active even in old age.
For the hygiene of small breeds, it is better to use special products - dog shampoo and soap, which do not contain aggressive components. In addition, short-haired species need garments as they catch cold easily even on a cool summer evening.