Dogs get sick too. After all, they are living beings, which means they are susceptible to various infections and viruses. And the proposal of the veterinarian to measure the temperature of the pet to determine whether he is sick or not, in most cases is not devoid of common sense. But not all dog breeders know how to do this.

Step 1
The widespread myth that it is possible to determine the presence of an elevated temperature in a dog by its dry and hot nose is nothing more than speculation. Firstly, so you can easily understand that not everything is in order with the health of the animal. In this case, it is not at all necessary that the dog will have an increased body temperature. Secondly, it is quite problematic to determine the exact indicator of this value by the dry and hot nose of the pet.
Step 2
To measure the temperature of an animal, like a person, you need to use a thermometer. Standard mercury is best suited for these purposes. But if your dog is too strong and nimble, it will not be possible to fully measure the temperature with it, because a mercury thermometer requires a rather long (at least 5 minutes) measurement. In this situation, it is better to use an electronic device.
Step 3
Measuring the temperature of a pet is not as difficult as it seems. True, it should be borne in mind that for the first time the dog may not understand the manipulations that you perform with it, and in some cases even unpleasant, because the measurement is carried out in the rectum.
Step 4
Prepare a thermometer first. If it is an electronic device, zero the readings. Its tip must be clean. Lubricate the tip of the thermometer with a drop of petroleum jelly - this will give it a slip, and the thermometer will more easily enter the anus without causing harm to the dog.
Step 5
Lay the pet on its side, lift its tail and slowly enter the thermometer at a distance of about 1.5-2 cm deep into the rectum. If you are afraid that you will not be able to cope with it, have a helper who will hold the dog and talk to it during the procedure.
Step 6
Alternatively, you can skip the animal. For example, experienced veterinarians measure the temperature of an animal while standing. However, it should be borne in mind that the first time this procedure can become quite problematic.