Like most animals, ferrets need physical activity and play, which allow their muscular and skeletal systems to develop properly, as well as a healthy psyche. They study the world around them and play for about an hour, and then sleep soundly. These animals are very curious, they like to get into clothes and bags, explore new items.

It is necessary
- plastic bag
- towel
- toys for animals
Step 1
Dragging. Offer your ferret something interesting, such as a towel. The animal will grab it with its teeth and make an attempt to drag it to its favorite corner. Without letting go of the towel, jerk it to tease the ferret. The animal will try to take it away from you and pull it towards itself, shaking its head at the same time. After a while, pretend that the pet defeated you, and reluctantly give the towel.

Step 2
Plastic bag. Place a large, rustling plastic bag on the floor. The animal will probably be interested in it, come up to it and begin to explore, sniff, and soon climb inside. When he does, pick up the bag. The animal will start jumping noisily to get out. For some time, do not let it jump out, while shaking the package slightly. Then lower the bag to the floor and shake out the ferret. The pet will get aroused and will bounce on the bag and flap it, actively expressing pleasure. After he calms down, you can repeat the game from the beginning. Most likely, the animal will like this fun and he will climb into the package again.

Step 3
Ball of fur on a thread. Tie a fur ball to a thread; you can buy it at a pet store and tease the animal. You can also use an elastic band instead of a thread.

Step 4
Exploring things. If you come from a trip and are unpacking things, or decided to tidy up your wardrobe and lay out clothes on the carpet or bed, let your pet participate in this activity. He will be happy to poke his nose into his pockets, crawl in his sleeves, etc.

Step 5
Fight. Lay the animal on its back and squeeze it a little. He will take it as a game and fight. While he beats one hand, slap him lightly with the other, continue at the same pace. Many pets like this game very much and they fight with great pleasure. So that the animal does not lose interest, it must always win. Do not forget that ferrets can bite very painfully during the fight, so this game is only suitable for a completely tame animal.

Step 6
Toys. Each animal has its own opinion about what can be considered a toy and what is not. Very many ferrets like various things made of rubber, rubber or soft plastic, for example, balls, rubber gloves, etc. Some others like things made of fur, paper, leather, polyethylene. The pet can be offered toys that are used for kittens. Keep in mind that ferrets play more brusquely and aggressively than cats and often chew or bite off toys.