Where Hippos Are Found

Where Hippos Are Found
Where Hippos Are Found

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Hippos (or hippos) are the heaviest animals on earth after elephants. The body weight of a hippopotamus can reach 4.5 tons. Currently, these heavyweights only inhabit the African continent.

Hippos are found exclusively in Africa
Hippos are found exclusively in Africa


Step 1

Since ancient times, hippos were found throughout sub-Saharan Africa, as well as along the banks of the Nile River and in Mesopotamia. From there they disappeared 3500 years ago. Currently, hippos are found only in some African regions: in the territories of Eastern, Southern, Southeast and West Africa. It is here that the savannahs are located - amazing African places that conquer with their beauty and mystery. The swampy shores of these savannahs are home to clumsy hippos. These peaceful creatures in most cases do not show themselves in full growth - most often only their eyes stick out of the reservoirs.

Step 2

The largest number of hippos was recorded in Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique. A small population of hippos is found in the world famous African Kruger Park. Hippos can also be found in West Africa in the territories of Senegal and Guinea-Bisua. Unfortunately, the number of these peace-loving heavyweights has declined markedly over the past decades. The reason is the economic crisis, which forced the local population to engage in poaching: the meat and bones of hippos were in great demand among the starving population.

Step 3

The only places where hippos live are the shores of freshwater lakes and rivers. For the lion's share of their time, these heavyweights bask in the water in the warm sun. When hippos lie in water, only their ears, eyes and nostrils can be seen on its surface. The animals are practically invisible, and only birds that notice these heavyweights land on their heads. It is worth noting that the hippos themselves are not against such an avian neighborhood, since the feathered creatures peck various small parasites from the skins of heavyweights.

Step 4

It is curious that hippos leave water bodies only to eat, and they feed on grass. By the way, when choosing a reservoir for their existence, hippos are guided not so much by its size as by the capacity of their entire herd in this reservoir. Since hippos are highly liquid dependent, their ponds must be filled with water all year round. If the reservoir dries up, all its inhabitants will die, including the hippos themselves! There are cases when in Africa a whole herd of hippos died from impotence, lying on the muddy bottom of a dry body of water. Scientists and volunteers then managed to save several individuals of these heavyweights and transport them to the Kruger National Park.
