People visit zoos because they can see wild animals that are atypical for a certain area of residence. However, not every person thinks about the conditions of keeping these animals, the length of their life in a cage and the psychological state, which cannot but be affected by life imprisonment.

Zoo benefits
Good zoos always try to introduce special programs that allow them to keep endangered exotic animals that can die in the wild through the fault of humans or other predators. If the zoo is sponsored enough, the animals are well nourished, clean water and large enclosures that allow them to feel relatively free.
Often, they try to place wild animals in conditions that are as close as possible to their natural habitat.
Animals are usually separated from visitors by water, glass, stone walls, and other barriers to keep bored predators from attacking humans. Also, a good zoo can afford to constantly take care of almost each of its inhabitants - an animal can be taken under the care of a zoo employee, who will be allocated money for its maintenance. In zoos, people learn a lot about the habits of wild animals, and rare species survive and reproduce in captivity, providing the planet with a new population.
Life span of animals in zoos
It is believed that animals live longer in zoos than in freedom, as they are isolated from their natural enemies, and specially trained veterinarians constantly monitor their health. This significantly prolongs the life of animals, which are protected not only from predators, but also from hunters and poachers. However, the existence of a closed space in artificial conditions often causes anxiety in animals, psychosis and refusal to eat.
Often recorded cases of suicide in zoos, when animals suddenly smash their heads against the walls of the enclosure.
Complete dependence on people leads to the fact that animals can no longer live in nature - they do not know how to get food, hunt and defend themselves, therefore they will never be released, where they simply will not survive. Moving around a small section of the fenced space also negatively affects the psyche of animals, so zoo workers try to create optimal living conditions for them in captivity.
Unfortunately, not all zoos treat their inhabitants with due attention, leaving them to live in dirty tiny enclosures. In such "institutions", animals are practically not provided with medical services and are fed with poor-quality food, which significantly reduces the life expectancy of the unfortunate animals.