How To Train Turtles

How To Train Turtles
How To Train Turtles

The level of intelligence of turtles is far superior to most reptiles. They are capable of forming stable complex (for reptiles) conditioned reflexes and styles of behavior. It has been proven that with constant communication, some species of terrestrial and freshwater turtles can easily distinguish people by sight.

How to train turtles
How to train turtles

The ability of turtles to learn

food for red-eared turtles
food for red-eared turtles

If you ask people what animals are the smartest, many will answer that it is a dog or a cat. This is partly true, these four-legged friends are very smart, and only they have intelligence. An intelligent pet can follow commands, communicate with its owner, and know its place.

Experts have found that although the turtle does not have outstanding intellectual data, it is still capable of learning. The most successful representatives for this are the red-eared turtles. The fact that they can behave as a person requires is indicated, for example, by the fact that in captivity the animal almost completely abandons its shell, getting used to a permanent place of residence and the absence of the need to defend itself. At the same time, realizing that there is nothing to fear, the pet becomes lazy and motionless. Therefore, the owner simply needs to train from time to time, play with the turtle.

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how to feed aquatic turtles

What can you teach your turtle?

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The turtle can be taught an easy food trick. To do this, you need to build a complex-shaped feeder for her and put food in any compartment of the feeder. Soon the turtle will guess where the treat lies and will easily find it.

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what to call a land turtle

Also, the turtle can be taught, without fear, to take food from the palm of your hand. After a while, she will get used to the fact that you are feeding her, and will perceive you as a breadwinner. As a result, you can ensure that she will meet you at the doorstep (as cats and dogs do). If the turtle scratches you quite often, then this can also be weaned.

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red-eared turtle how to determine the sex in small

Turtles are very fond of different toys. They, like cats, can play with a ball. But as biologists say, this is just a reaction to a foreign object. Place a small, brightly colored ball in the turtle tank for 2 weeks. After a while, the turtle will start nudging him. And if you put a mirror, the turtle, looking at its reflection, will think that it is another turtle, as a result it will behave aggressively.

As for the toilet, the turtle most often comes to a certain place, mainly where it eats. Many turtles can be retrained to walk to another corner of the aquarium.

Don't be afraid to communicate with your pet. Over time, your pet will change his mind and will fulfill your requests. And you, in turn, will be able to teach him various tricks and simple games.
