How To Protect Yourself From Sharks

How To Protect Yourself From Sharks
How To Protect Yourself From Sharks

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In some picturesque places of our planet, vacation on the seaside can turn into a tragedy due to shark attacks. Such cases are rare, but they also take place. Most often, the victims of these predators are divers and surfers, as well as people who have swum too far from the shore. How realistic is it to repel a shark attack on your own?

How to protect yourself from sharks
How to protect yourself from sharks


Step 1

In many countries, special documents are issued for naval sailors, such as a memo about sharks, but there are no special rules for confronting sharks. There are universal tips, but how effective they are is not known exactly. If you notice a fin nearby, cutting through the waves, then, most likely, the shark has already chosen a potential victim and is currently hunting. Perhaps this victim is you.

Step 2

According to one of the hypotheses, there is a possibility of being saved by pretending to be dead. This option can "work" if there are a few more floundering living creatures or bodies around in the water. It is difficult to imagine this method of rescue in practice, since the shark, without making an attack, swims so close to the victim that its too rough skin mercilessly rips off pieces of human skin with meat at the slightest touch. And these predators react to the smell of blood with lightning speed.

Step 3

Shark teeth are razor sharp. A couple of bites can tear a person apart. The upper jaw of the shark is not connected with the skull, so it is convenient for it to dismember the victim, shaking its head and simultaneously swallowing. Despite this, sharks are naturally shy. There is a version that they can be driven away completely, or at least for some time, by striking strong blows to the nose, gills, eyes. Sharks are so unpredictable that they can abruptly stop pursuing if the victim fights back. But it is impossible to say exactly how the predator will behave.

Step 4

There are also controversial claims that you can scare off a shark by slapping your hands on the water or by loud screaming. After all, flip flops remind predators, for example, fur seals, which are desirable prey for them. Sharks have poor eyesight, they can only see the silhouette. And with a cry, the victim runs the risk of attracting a predator. There is an option from the series "Best Attack - Attack", that is, try to swiftly swim towards the shark. In many cases, predators are afraid and swim away. But by taking this step, the victim signs an instant death sentence to herself.
