What Is Pacu Fish

What Is Pacu Fish
What Is Pacu Fish

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Pacu is a South American freshwater predatory fish. Its distinctive feature is the presence of human teeth in the oral cavity. Ichthyologists attribute this creature to the family of piranha fish.

Paku - a fish with human teeth
Paku - a fish with human teeth


Step 1

South Americans living near the Amazon River unanimously declare that the pacu fish that lives in it is the most terrible fish in the world. Of course, this 25-kilogram creature is inferior in size to the most dangerous fish in the world - a shark, but this does not prevent the pack from keeping coastal residents and tourists at bay. Pacu is a freshwater predator primarily found in the Amazon and Orinoco basins (Amazon lowlands). It is reported that this species of fish has now spread to Papua New Guinea, where they are artificially bred for the benefit of the local fishing industry.

Step 2

The pacu fish share a common affinity with piranha, but the preferences, habits and sizes of the two fish species differ markedly. For example, the piranha is an exceptionally carnivorous creature, while the pacu is an omnivorous predator. In addition, the pacu grows more than 1 m in length, which cannot be said about the piranha. Both pacu and piranha have teeth, but in the first they are similar to human ones, and in the second they are acute-angled incisors. Paku gladly demonstrates his teeth, not hesitating to use them everywhere and everywhere. This predator is a rather voracious fish, adoring to feed on small mammals that accidentally swim across the Amazon.

Step 3

Paku is an aggressive, strong, but sedentary fish. The color of her body is contrasting, but not iridescent with all the colors of the rainbow, like in other fish. The body of this creature is colored brown-silver, and its scales are pure silver. It is curious that in adults, the color becomes darker every year. As a result, the pacu turns into an exceptionally black fish. It is believed that pacu is a vegetarian and is not at all dangerous to humans. This is not entirely true. Cases were documented when these predators, like piranhas, attacked people, pulling pieces of meat from their legs and hands.

Step 4

These fish earned a dangerous reputation after cases of their attacks on fishermen from Papua New Guinea were recorded: predators bit off their genitals. It is worth noting that pacu can use its famous teeth for crushing nuts, and for crushing various fruits falling from a tree into the Amazon. It is curious that these fish are also bred at home. For example, in the United States, these predators can be freely purchased at almost any pet store. But the conditions for keeping this creature require a lot from a person: the pacu grows in length more than 1 m, therefore, a large aquarium is needed, plus constant nutrition.
