Castration of cats is a simple and quick surgical procedure performed to prevent natural fertilization. If the pet owner is not going to engage in breeding, then this procedure will save him from many problems in the future, and will also help the animal itself.

Why is castration needed?

When purchasing a cute and fluffy kitten, people rarely remember that it will turn into an adult cat in the prime of puberty, and do not think about neutering. This operation is one of the most popular in veterinary practice. This is a surgical procedure in which the gonads of the animal are removed, as a result, the amount of sex hormones in the cat's body decreases, and the natural desire to continue the offspring disappears. Castration is not needed if the cat is allowed to walk outside the house or apartment.
The main reason most pet owners get them neutered is to get rid of many of the problems associated with the puberty of a pet that is kept only at home. By 8-12 months, the cat finally matures, and his body begins to ask for the satisfaction of natural needs. This is manifested in aggressiveness - recently, an affectionate and cute kitten begins to rush at people, bite and scratch. Unsatisfied desire makes cats often and loudly meow and even yell, sometimes at night, preventing their owners from getting enough sleep. The increased level of hormones makes them refuse to eat, as a result, animals lose hair, lose weight and look unhealthy.
Non-castrated cats begin to mark territory with their urine: they do not miss a single corner, spoil the owners' favorite things and leave a strong unpleasant smell that is not easy to get rid of.
Not all cats behave like this during puberty, some have lower hormone levels and less temperament.
Cats after castration

Castration allows you to get rid of all these problems and make the life of the owner of the cat calm and pleasant. But the main reason why this operation should be done is the benefit for the animal itself. Many refuse castration out of pity and unwillingness to deprive a pet of pleasure. They call this operation animal bullying, not realizing that bullying is actually making a sexually mature cat go without a cat. This can lead not only to nervousness, exhaustion and problems with appearance, but also more serious diseases - prostate tumors, prostatitis, adenoma of the perianal glands.
Sometimes cats jump out of the windows of high-rise apartments in order to find a cat.
Animals do not have the concept of "sex for pleasure", they are guided only by the instinct of procreation. Castration eliminates this instinct and does not affect the rest of the cat's abilities in any way: he continues to hunt perfectly, maintains playfulness, lives a full life, rarely picks up infectious diseases and is more attached to the owners. And most importantly, castrated cats live much longer and have a more pleasant character.