How To Castrate Cats

How To Castrate Cats
How To Castrate Cats

The owner of each cat in due time faces the question of whether to castrate his pet or not. To many owners - most often men - it seems that castration is something terribly painful and simply sadistic. In fact, every veterinarian performs dozens of such operations every day. If the castration of a cat is performed in a veterinary hospital, then this is the simplest operation that will greatly facilitate the future life of the owner and the cat under one roof.

How to castrate cats
How to castrate cats

Cats are ideal pets; many people are convinced of this. At first it is a funny and touching kitten, then - a clumsy playful teenage cat, which after some time turns into a solid and luxurious domestic cat. Unfortunately, the unbearable smell from the cat marks and the incessant screams of the cat during the sexual hunt can negate all the joy that you have such a wonderful pet in your house.

Why castrate cats?

Indeed, starting from 7-9 months, cats during the rutting period behave simply disgusting. This is complicated by the fact that, in contrast to cats, the period of sexual heat in cats can be almost year-round.

The cat senses the presence of another adult male, who may live altogether on a different floor or even in a different entrance of a multi-storey building, and perceives him as a rival. In an effort to interrupt the smell of a competitor, a cat can sweep literally everything it can reach with the secret of special internal glands. Cat tags have a pungent, unpleasant odor that is almost impossible to get rid of.

There are two options to prevent odors in your home. The first is to provide your cat with the opportunity to have periodic contact with the cat. Breeders of purebred animals do this, but why breed outbred kittens, who most often become homeless? Therefore, for those who do not plan to knit their cat, castration is ideal.

How is a cat castrated?

Castration of a cat is the simplest operation that is performed under general anesthesia. To avoid the appearance of vomiting and other complications, the cat should not be fed on the day of castration. In an anesthetized cat, hair is shaved off the scrotum, then two small holes are made in it. Through them, the veterinarian removes the testes and ties the spermatic cord. The whole operation takes no more than 3-5 minutes.

The cat is warmly wrapped in a blanket and taken home. Do not put it on a sofa or chair - walking away from anesthesia, it may fall and be injured. Do not let the cat lick the wound, because he can scratch it with his rough tongue. In a few days the cat's consciousness will clear up completely, and he will become as vigorous and healthy as before castration.

Neutered cats should eat in such a way as not to provoke the development of urolithiasis in them. In addition, after castration, some cats become prone to gaining excess weight, so the owner should not overfeed the animal.