Kittens are small lumps of fluffy energy, and games are vital for them not only for entertainment, but also for physical development, for the realization of their hunting instincts (after all, cats are predators). But when playing with a kitten, remember that the entertainment must be safe, and at the same time interesting.

Step 1
When kittens grow up with brothers or sisters, they often fight among themselves, attacking each other, rolling on the floor and pressing their ears to their heads predatory. If there are no playmates, the kitten often pounces on the owner's hands, tries to attack its legs, releases its claws and tries its teeth. Such games should not be encouraged. Firstly, having “defeated” your hand several times in a row, the kitten will cease to perceive you as an authoritative leader. Secondly, already an adult animal, not accustomed to the fact that the host's body is taboo, can inflict tangible injuries on you in a fit of aggression. Therefore, stop any attempts by the kitten to play with a person in this way.

Step 2
To make the fluffy kid feel like a hunter and a winner, you can buy or make yourself a "fishing rod" - a stick with a string tied to it with a toy at the end. Classic paper bows tied to a thread also cause constant delight in kittens. The game will be especially interesting if the object is constantly changing direction and speed.

Step 3
The toy can be dragged slowly across the floor, made to flutter, sharply raised, and so on. Sometimes give in by letting the little predator grab the prey. Kittens are also enthusiastically chasing the light from the laser pointer, but here you have to be careful and make sure that the laser beam does not hit the animal's eyes.

Step 4
Most kittens are able to have fun with all sorts of balls for a long time, chasing them on the floor. Here you can use table tennis balls, special cat toys sold in pet stores, and miniature rubber balls sold in vending machines in many supermarkets. Small wind-up toys (mice, birds, jumping frogs, etc.) are also well suited for cat games.

Step 5
Pet shops also sell special research games for cats. They can be a labyrinth, from which you need to remove a small ball with your paw; a pipe with holes, inside which a fluffy toy on a spiral is hidden, and so on. Not all kittens love such games, but if your pet is persistent and stubborn, with the help of such a toy he will be able to entertain himself on his own for quite a long time.

Step 6
Another kind of toys for kittens are soft balls or mice with catnip inside. Some cats are completely indifferent to the smell of this plant, while for others, its smell is very attractive. Representatives of the second category will have fun with mint toys for a long time.