How To Give Injections To Cats

How To Give Injections To Cats
How To Give Injections To Cats

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If the cat gets sick, and the veterinarian prescribed injections for him, then the best solution is to learn how to put them on your own. Do not carry your pet to the veterinary clinic every day. The cat from such trips will be nervous, besides, frequent visits to the doctor will take a lot of time. Many owners inject their pets themselves.

How to give injections to cats
How to give injections to cats

It is necessary

insulin syringe


Step 1

Feed the cat before the injection; it is much easier to carry out medical procedures with a well-fed and happy animal. If the cat is sleeping, then you can wake him up and immediately give an injection - sleepy, he will not immediately come to his senses, will not resist.

Step 2

Prepare a syringe in advance and fill it with a solution for injection. It is best to use an insulin syringe as it has the thinnest needle.

Step 3

There are two types of injections for cats: subcutaneous and intramuscular. For a subcutaneous injection, place the cat on its stomach. Then, with your left hand, pull the skin fold at the withers (in the area of the shoulder blades or slightly lower), and take the syringe with your right hand. Hold your pet so that it does not run away, suspecting something amiss.

Step 4

Stick the needle 1, 5-2 cm into the skin fold at the withers, then gently inject the solution. Act calmly and confidently, but take your time. If the cat is nervous, calm him down with gentle words. The needle should go under the skin parallel to the spine of the cat, but so as not to come out on the other side of the fold in the skin.

Step 5

Intramuscular injections are given in the hind paw. To do this, lay the cat on its side. Press the cat's hind legs with the elbow of your right hand, fix the front legs with your left hand. Insert the needle into the thickest part of the animal's thigh. Hold the cat tightly, as this is quite painful and the animal is likely to twitch. The needle should enter about 1.5-2 cm, at a slight angle.

Step 6

After the injection, pet the cat, give him something tasty so that he does not perceive the injection as a punishment.

Step 7

In order to act more confidently, ask the veterinary clinic to show you how and what is being done. Subcutaneous injections are quite simple to do, but injections into the muscle are already more difficult, and pets react to them much more nervously.
